Bear in mind that I'm only going by what I'm seeing on this thread and what I know personally of the people involved. And that argument from authority is a logical fallacy so widespread that it has its own Latin tag ("argumentum ex auctoritate").
But I've spent 17 years working in a risk-related industry and have a risk-related professional qualification - and manage risk (in its widest sense) for a (very handsome) living. Stuart G is a professional statistician - which means he can do the difficult sums and complex thought required to understad risk. Ben Goldacre is a doctor by background, so is trained in understanding individual injuries, and now works in epidemiology - which is the application of risk and statistics to medicine and public health.
We are discussing a matter of risk and public health.
You, Linford, design tools.
You have just furnished the thread with a series of stats which have proven that there is significant risk for people who cycle and I know this because I do both and have done so for more than double the years you have worked a risk assessor, and my opinions are formed from real life experiences and not pushing buttons around a calculator as you clearly do.
The requirement of skill to ride a motorbike properly and safely far exceeds that of driving a car or riding a bicycle and most of the people injured in the stats in this group are novices.
I must say....this is just like CA&D on this board now...are there no decent threads to debate in there still ?