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Saison DuPont to accompany brew night. The benchmark saison and one of the worlds great beers.

Nice and dry, a bit of hop astringency and a huge amount of spicy yeast flavour.

Greene King stuff. It all tastes the same really.


Conventional wisdom says never take advice on photography from 3bm. I think that was on the menu in the small print.
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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I have to say i quite liked the Coffee Stout when i tried it last week. Smugglers Records is turning into a real goldmine for craft beers.

It's lovely, I'm impressed. Nothing at all like what I expected - with coffee, dark malts and lots of hops, you might expect it to be harshly bitter, but it's incredibly smooth and well-balanced. The coffee flavour is subtle but distinct and really rounds it off nicely. And you can really taste the booze in it too. It's also the blackest beer I have ever seen. Fantastic. I'll definitely be getting this one again.



Openly Marxist
I was unadventurous this evening - I spurned Northern Monk's Neapolitan Pale Ale (despite the ludicrously attractive packaging). I was looking for some beers to take round a friend's for dinner, and I didn't know what was on the menu but I thought the chances of it pairing well with a vanilla pale ale with strawberries and chocolate were close to non-existent. I might pick up a tin tomorrow out of curiosity.

Had this lot instead (shameless Marmers like-fishing):


The Kona Big Wave is a winner.


Plus essential nightcap:


rich p

ridiculous old lush
Sweet Jesus, you'd be better off giving up...
Hve you considered using a smiley in your pithy posts otherwise one might believe you're a nasty troll?

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I had some people who don't despise me, round to dinner tonight. I sometimes refer to them as friends.
Me and Ken majored on Punk Dog IPA and Arbor monsoon saison. The latter is a seriously lovely drop and I urge you to try it. The Arbor Oz Bomb is pretty good but not quite as bogglingly tasty.
I don't think I've ever had a duff Arbor.
No pics, I was hosting, and they already think I'm a loon.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I had some people who don't despise me, round to dinner tonight. I sometimes refer to them as friends.
Me and Ken majored on Punk Dog IPA and Arbor monsoon saison. The latter is a seriously lovely drop and I urge you to try it. The Arbor Oz Bomb is pretty good but not quite as bogglingly tasty.
I don't think I've ever had a duff Arbor.
No pics, I was hosting, and they already think I'm a loon.

They probably do hate you [insert smiley] but hey it's free food and beer!
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