I'm on call this weekend and unable to drink so will satisfy my cravings by reading this thread
Homage à Homeguard:
Especially for our Defender of the Shores - a stumbling attempt at 'Shooters Hill Hobgobin rough'

***pic removed, to allow threeloadermcginty to play his memory game***
No burgled porridge or untidy loaves in my backdrop...sorry.

Happy May Day! (as in you MAY have a beer or two - it's allowed. For some of you, it's all owed!) Go for it.
(I'm having a beer as I have patellar tendinitis and pain killers don't do it - so it's anaesthetic time.)
Ok The Edit.
Putting the picture back now, and, should any of you feel inspired to use the Voltarol as Mcgintysol - don't do it!