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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I'm not sure whether I'm doing it or not but Keguary has started. (28 different pints of hand pulled beer for the month.)

So, 1st, a pint of Mighty Oak Porter, swiftly drunk and enjoyed...

followed by the 2nd, an Old School Brewery bitter called Detention. I could happily misbehave for a Detention. I'd even behave for one. As porter set me off so well...

I finished with my 3rd (getting ahead of myself again) of the month: a Stockport Brewery Porter. I've often wondered, when I've seen packets in the shops labelled ''Eating Licorice'' what else you did with licorice. Well, Stockport had a gentle stab at ''drinking licorice'' and did rather well. Dark and fruity, soft water licoricity.

Daddy Pig

Well that was one hell of a trip... 24 hours, 570 miles driven and more importantly 12 new beers tasted...

I've found an excellent pub just off the m4 between Swindon and Oxford whichwas great.. much better than using service stations.

It is the 5 bells in Wickham... they have there own brewery and had three of them on cask. They also had a further 6 ales on cask plus loads of Belgium beers in bottles. They also do a superb fish and chips and beers can be had in thirds...

I then hit the Maypole, although this morning it felt like I'd been hit by a Maypole...


Started with the 3BM beers, the dipa was reasonable, well hidden alcohol and a nice one to start with, swiftly follwed by the mango ipa. A good ipa but no mango coming through.
The cherry and plum sour was refreshing and fruity rather than being too sour.
The coffee stout and milk porter were the pick of there beers. Very good indeed.
I tried a couple if the Grain beers, the weissen went very nicely with my pork burger :mrpig: but was more refreshing than flavoursome like some others I've tried.
The slate smoked porter was delicious... Very good with a lovely mild smokiness...
I finished the night with another local brew from Milton, their Marcus Aurelius strong stout.

Fantastic fun and a great bunch of brewers... New friends made!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Ok, Ok, Ok
He's not called 3 bitters McGinty for nothing....


Legendary Member
Behind bars
Last night I was on the lager (I kno, I kno, it's thataway >>>>>) but bear with me because I was drinking black cask lager. Who knew such a thing existed? Tyne 9 is from Firebrick brewery in Blaydon and tastes nothing like the absolute pi$$ usually passed off as lager in Britain. Looks and tastes like a porter with strong roasted malt and charcoal/coal dust flavours. Has a lot more body than it has a right to at only 3.9%. Nice and smooth too. Brewer says, 'Tyne 9 is a traditional lager beer, more akin to a Munich Dunkel lager or a Schwartzbier'. At £2.15 minus the 50p CAMRA voucher bringing the price down to £1.65 it's an absolute belter.


That was the highlight of the night as we were heading to see a friend's band in a venue that offered John Smiths Smoothflow, Carling, Coors Lite or Fosters lager. They were equally as bad and I've got a bloody headache this morning. Oh, and the fire alarm was set off half way through the gig by some idiot smoking in the bogs.
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