Right, now I have half an idea who Tommie Sjef might be. And I also now have 2/3rds of an idea what Crate's Lemon Gose is. Blimey, that stuff is lemonier than unsweetened lemonade! My second beer was a Five Points Pale Ale, which put back the bitter hoppiness that the Gose didn't have. Though it was west coast USA hops it tasted surprisingly old school British. As it was cask and this month is Keguary, it doesn't get included in the 28 beers target. (Current Keg count for the month, therefore: 7 2/3rds.) As the 5 points was Amarillo and Citra, I'm back home having a Shipyard Rye Pale Ale from a bottle. It was my reward for an unavoidable visit to Tescos this afternoon.