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No, it is in fact The Head of Steam, Newcastle.
There are two Heads of Steam. The new one on quayside or tee older one near the station. Don't miss the Newcastle Tap which is more or less next door to the station one.

There's also a beer ship on the station (train side, not street) for train beer
All that amazing bonkers beer aside

Check this out for the brightest bright beer. Traditional cask and no excuses

Brightside brewery. Every time, they nail it


I could use it as a headlight

Daddy Pig

I’m pissed and run out of battery so will montage tomorrow.

A bloody good night spent at a pub with a tap takeover from grain brewery and three little mice brewery.

After spending the evening chatting to these guys (and gal) can I say that they are making some fantastic brews and fully support there beer related ideals and dreams. Even got a free t shirt which was nice.

No details yet as too far gone...

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
Excellent choice... one of my favourites of theirs and I also have one in the beer cellar!
Loved the Oz Bomb as well, I've also just been drinking Fuller's 1845 and Badger Fursty Ferret-both traditional beers not involving kaffir lime leaves or chillis etc (IPA and tawny ale respectively) but none the worse for it. Plus Fursty Ferret is one of the greatest beer names ever!
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Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
It is weekend, let us beer.


Hook Norton Red Rye, Maris Otter, Pale Ale, Crystal Meth, Crystal Rye, Enzymic and Wheat Malt with Willamette, Sovereign, Citra, Amarillo and Chinook hops, blimey what a list, somehow with all that lot they've created a genius beer. Think it's my favourite of theirs, not too malty despite the ingredient list and a lovely bitter finish.

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