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Interesting list, completely wrong mind. There’s (quick count) 64 USA beers and 36 ROW. UK have 11 and Belg 6, Denmark and Canada 4, then we’re down to 1 2 and 3. Not that that means anything really but there’s so many great breweries that don’t even get a sniff at that list.

It's a ratebeer list, so probably not good to read to much into it!

Anyhow, I’ve managed to drink stuff from 63 breweries in the list.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
It's a ratebeer list, so probably not good to read to much into it!

Anyhow, I’ve managed to drink stuff from 63 breweries in the list.

You're a leg end, DP.

First glance is 28 for me but I'll have to take a closer look I rec.
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When you're in Dublin airport and you're job's finished early....


Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
24th of the month: a Hop Stuff unfiltered pils. Not a lager for the parched but nicely flavoured and rather getdownable.

25th. 2/3 of a pint (?) of Hop Stuff's ''Woody Barrelson''. A 7.4% porter that tastes of port. The woman who served me said it had been stored/matured in wine barrels. It gave the impression of drinking beer with brandy chasers because of the spirit-like way it went down the throat. I wouldn't drink it with a curry but luckily I didn't have a curry.

All in all, I'm impressed by Hop Stuff's beers after trying 4 of them. I'm sure I'll catch them out sooner or later though.

Looking for some Hop Stuff baby tonight!:biggrin:

Just a normal sausage
That's what Miss Goodbody said...

Sans photos but Chorlton Wild Sour, Two versions, an orange cinnamon and a mosaic hop.

If you see some, get some
The Wild Sour is most excellent stuff...sampled it at the Fell Bar, Penrith on Sunday (look out for their Imperial Sour as well).

Only just opened it. Tastes like an IPA. On the sweetish side, bit of citrus and a piney finish. There’s deffo more of a hint of alcohol and I’m starting to get some burn.
I've got a 12.8% maple Imperial Stout from Arbor in my stash-looking forward to trying that one (hic)!

Nice to see Magic Rock in the list.

If forced to pick just one then that would be my winner not just because of the beer but also because Huddersfield for Mallinson's Tap, The Grove, The Sportsman's and the Magic Rock Tap is a thoroughly good day out.
One of my favourite breweries . Their collab brew Magic & Tricks, a NEIPA with De Mo is well worth a punt if you see it btw...churs!

Daddy Pig

Hof ten Dormaal, gooseberry sour. Yum
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Bonus point for naming the bar.
Got to be a spoons looking at that carpet.
Exactly what I was thinking.... but a sour in a spoons....? Whatever next...
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