Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Where is this going?

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Über Member

If you removed all the intelligence from AI and threw a cup of coffee over it, it would come up with Mrs Brown's Boys.


Asked the question 'Who shot Donald Trump?' as it's a topical issue and got this reply

As @Drago points out it is a LLM and relies on the speed at which it can collect data from the internet. Were I to ask the same question in a few hours, it may be different.

The free version of ChatGPT most people will be using does not use anything like real-time data.

From Wikipedia: As of May 2024, GPT-4 has knowledge of events that occurred up to December 2023[40] and GPT-4o's knowledge cut-off is October 2023.[41] Paid subscriptions enable ChatGPT to search the web for real-time data.[42]


Über Member
What's even worse is that up to a few weeks ago you could ask it "Who won the 2024 presidential race?" and it said Trump. It had no concept that the election was in the future. All they did was block questions based on future events as it they couldn't make it understand the difference between present and future.
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