Are you clean shaven, beard or stubble ?

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Legendary Member
I have always been clean shaven apart from a spell in the 70s when I had one of those Mexican moustaches.
I use an electric razor.
Not been feeling well so not shaved for a week. Just done so but bloody hell it was hard work and hurt as it ripped my whiskers out......
Note to self.... don't do that again.


Legendary Member
Beard but trimmed back to stubble every 6 wks or so


Depends on the time of week. Short beard/long stubble today, clean shaven by this time tomorrow. I tried leaving it longer, but it just gets itchy.


I was always clean shaven and always used a blade until I changed jobs that required me to shave daily, so I switched to electric.

Now nobody cares what I look like, apart from Mrs Slick and she likes a beard, so got a full beard most of the time now to varying degrees.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Currently clean shaven every morning with an electric razor. I did have a beard for a couple of years but it got a bit itchy for some unknown reason so shaved it off.
One side effect was that people did not recognise me at first without the beard.


Legendary Member
I did have a beard for a couple of years but it got a bit itchy for some unknown reason so shaved it off.

You probably had crabs.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull


usually riding on Zwift...
I have trichotillomania which manifests itself in my pulling the hair out of one particular spot on my jaw. I mostly get the urge when I’m clean-shaven and the hair at that spot emerges more coarsely than the surrounding area. I just tweeze the hairs out with my fingernails, particularly when I’m stressed at work.

Because of this, I usually shave as infrequently as I can get away with (normally Mrs Legs will drop hints that I need to scrape my chin), which is once every 5 days or so. I’ve got blond hair and I’m not particularly hirsute, so it never gets to more than a barely-discernible ginger stubble, so fortunately my bald patch isn’t too obvious!
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