Are you clean shaven, beard or stubble ?

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When I was in my 20s I had a moustache
then grew a beard
turned out that my bard hair is very curly
it started out sort of fair/brown but gradually turned gingerish (like some other hair if you know what I mean!)

then started to go grey - I shaved it off at that point as the 3 colour look was starting to look stupid
(probably did all the time to be honest!!!!)


Legendary Member
Arko shaving soap. It has a lovely smell. Reminds me of my grandad as he used it too.

My like and pomegranate soap has just about run out, so I have bought a tub of Arko on your sort of recommendation, yes nice old fashioned smell.


Legendary Member
It's prime gig season so I've gone all Derek Smalls.

Heres me with my serious face on.


Yep, another few days and I'll have won the bet then it'll be back to full beard.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
So…. As someone follicle challenged on top , I’ve been using Aldi Gillette knock offs for the bonce and DE razor for the face . Been that way for some time , noted some use an electric razor for the head . Any electric razor or some more specific ? Seen adverts for skill shavers etc ?


Hong Kong
I can't grow a beard as my skin gets very itchy. :sad:


Hong Kong
I found that washing my beard - with gentle shampoo - frequently, reduced the itching

although that also gets rid of the bits caught in it that are useful for a small snake if you get peckish

but it did take a while after growing it for the itch to settle down

I have tried many times but I do have very sensitive skin anyway, always since childhood, and it cannot handle too much hair anyway, anywhere, except my head and armpits. ^_^

Especially when I sweat after a bike ride or gym session and, in the past, after boxing training.

Shame though as I would love to see what I looked like with the full Osama. :laugh:
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