you continue to dissemble - the child in the video could easily have been killed.
If a motorist, going too fast for the road conditions, collided with and injured a cyclist to the same degree as the child in the video would you still make the same dissembling excuses on his behalf.
if not why not?
most won't follow the link, let's make the point explicit
A cyclist collided with three pedestrians and seriously injured an elderly woman in Wragby on Wednesday, May 20.
A cyclist riding on the footpath collided with three pedestrians, knocking over a 75-year-old woman, who suffered a broken collarbone.
The incident happened around 9.30pm in the alleyway near the GP surgery, leading to Hansards Drive.
The casualty was assisted by a young male passerby who helped her home safely.
Why don't you calm down a bit. You're here there and everywhere quotimn
PC Barnsley is keen to trace the cyclist, any witnesses to the incident, and also the passerby who helped.
PC Barnsley can be contacted at Horncastle Police Station via the 101 number, or he can be emailed at
because a cyclist was involved, by definition anyone else involved is a lower form of life
Why are you calling the father a 'meat head'? All he did was rush to his child's aid. The child (and by extension her parents) are the victim in this incident.
Some cyclists are thugs on bikes.I think it would be nice if we could separate cyclists from thugs on bikes.
Why don't you calm down a bit. You're here there and everywhere quoting posts!![]()
Was this a shared cycle route? One of the photographs appeares to show a signpost depicting a bicycle indicating it would be.Yes, who ever he is, he needs to be found. And put in jail, if he did that to my daughter he would be 6 foot under.
A cyclist hitting a pedestrian doesn't usually have the same devastating affect as a car hitting a cyclist.
Doesn't make it acceptable, even if that is so. A bike travelling at 11mph with a full grown man on board could certainly kill a small child. That's why cyclists aren't allowed on the pavement.A cyclist hitting a pedestrian doesn't usually have the same devastating affect as a car hitting a cyclist.
Also a whole lot faster than the child is moving. Notwithstanding all the assertions upthread that "toddlers dart out", she seems to be moving at little more than walking pace. If the cyclist didn't see her it was more likely due to her (lack of) height than her speed.
That is exactly where it happened
Measuring from google maps, the distance shown on CCTV is 6m.
He crosses that in 1.2 seconds (by stop watch)
5m/s or just over 11mph!
Regardless of your opinion of pavement cycling, 11mph on a footpath is far, far too quick.
and a bad (even worse) choice when he cycled away after the accident.
Apologies.He hung around at the scene then his father picked him up in a car.
I just came onto this thread to mention the broadcast. CB is doing his usual excellent job.I won't be listening, because phone-ins are for tiresome morons. But if any of you can stand it ...
You and Yours, Radio 4, in a short while
Call You and Yours: Have you ever been put at risk on the road by a cyclist?
A child is recovering after being hit by a cyclist riding on a pavement.
Have you ever been put at risk on the road by a cyclist?
Meanwhile Chris Boardman has called for stricter liability for motorists in accidents involving vulnerable road users, to protect pedestrians and cyclists.
Cyclist casualties have risen in recent years as the amount of cycling has increased, latest figures show that over 19,000 cyclists were killed or injured in reported road accidents in 2013.
What's your experience on the pavement or road? Are you a cyclist who has been in an accident? Or are you a pedestrian or motorist who's been in an accident caused by a cyclist?
Email us with your stories and join Winifred Robinson at 1215.
Producer: Maire Devine
Editor: Chas Watkin.
No, the cycle route started at the signWas this a shared cycle route? One of the photographs appeares to show a signpost depicting a bicycle indicating it would be.