
It's just over two weeks to the 'Withins'
Penistone Hill Country Park
OS SE023563
Sunday 12th October
11:30 start
£4.00 entries on the day only
7miles/1000 feet of ascent
Whilst not having a good summers running, I seem to be getting slower & slower (with more aches & pains!!), I intend running here, for my next race (barring ParkRuns)
I've run it in 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013, therefore want to keep going at it, for another year at least!
Hopefully I've persuaded a couple of club-members to join me, who've only run Trunces & XC before........
Some of them will have a bit of a shock though
Have a look at the race route, as a (lovely, scenic) photo-tour here;
Past results
2010; 160/345 @ 59:33
2011; 176/323 @ 1.01:09
2012; 136/302 @ 1.01:32
2013; 178/261 @ 1.03:57
See, I stated earlier that I was getting slower!!
At this rate, it'll be a 1.05:00 run!
Sometimes it's absolutely glorious up there;
View attachment 57231
Then on other occasions.........
(& it got even worse, for the first half of the race)
View attachment 57232