It was a difficult decision this morning
Did I, as 'un-race fit' as I am, go to the PECO-XC race at Roundhay Park, in Leeds?
Or, did I 'run-long' (or what seems long to me, after my heel injury, & lack of running in, December/January?)
I 'ran long' (well, long, for me, at the moment, with the 2 months off................)
Joanne was driving into the centre of Wakefield for 09:00-ish, so I rode there with her, then headed off
I ended up, with;
10.53 miles @ 1.28:43
Some hills, headwinds, tailwinds
Felt a bit overdressed at points (tights & a -cycling club- gilet, plus a waterproof stuffed in Gilet pocket, just in case)
Felt okay, most of the route, just a bad patch at about the 7 mile mark (I did out on no breakfast, just pot of tea, though)
I knew I'd done it, when I got in, as I laid on the bed & went to sleep
I'll suffer for it, as it was a big jump to 40+ miles this week, after 27 last week