I've just sent off entries for these 2 races;
2. 'Bluebell Trail 10'
This is a nice scenic, mixed terrain race (10 mile, not 10K)
There's ancient pack-horse routes, canal towpaths, woodland
And, the fearsome Trooper Lane, which supposedly ascends over 570 feet in half-a-mile
I tried it for the first time last year, whilst suffering from the 'P-F', & it was hard, perhaps the downhills were harder than the uphills (barring Trooper Lane)
Not an easy race again!!!
Dropped a few places in the first set of woods, to Copley
Made a few up along the Canal towpath
Walked up part of Trooper Lane
Really enjoyed the fast, cobbled, muddy, descent of Dark Lane/Magna Via (medieval 'hollow-way')
Suffered a bit from the 8 mile mark, but I'd caught a friend up (David Kidd, from 'Pontefract AC') , between top of Trooper Lane, & Dark Lane, so we worked together
He bet me by maybe 40 seconds though, in the end
I did, however, knock the best part of 13 minutes off last years time - I had hoped for '20', but it was not to be
Stopped watch at
1.27:19 (no officials yet)
Not sure who this guy is, but it shows how steep Trooper Lane is!!!!
Denise Clark, the writer, Adrian Leach & Darren Horobin
Three sets of images here, if they are 'publicly viewable'
Trooper Lane, takes its toll