Legendary Member
A nice, easy 15k today, at 1.15. I wouldn't have been able to say that six months ago...
I've found this brief posting ^^^ , to be the most inspiring that I've read in a while.
I've let my fitness slide; more food in and much less exercise than I was doing 6 or 7 years ago. Weighing in at 13st 9Lbs, I'm over two stone heavier than my best running weight. On the plus side, I can probably give FM a good ten years . . . and at last, I've got back into the mode of doing some modest training - which hopefully, will reach a steady 40+ miles a week.
I went out on New Years Day, replete with cold weather gear and a Garmin Forerunner. I decided to do an accurate 4 mile course - with only 200ft of climb - 'flat' in these parts. Towards the end of the first mile, I checked the watch - 9:20 mileing ! I was sure I was doing sub 8 !
I did the 4 miles in 37:10 . . . about half a minute slower, than my best for 10k. Chastened by this experience, I went out two days later on the same course - 35:10; two days after this, it was 34:00. Obviously, the rate of improvement will diminish, but at least the improvements are there to be made . . . despite getting older & bulkier.
I've found FM's & Richard T's postings to be inspiring ! I remember FM, describing his 'battle' to break 40 mins for 10k; and now he's posting about doing a 'nice, easy run' - in a time that he couldn't have done, 6 months ago. The thing is, I find it very motivating - reading about how others have improved over time. They aren't doing anything special - merely training hard and consistently. And there lies the message, for all fellow runners to take on board; it's no use feeling sorry for oneself . . . get out and train . . . Improvements can be made. I'm setting myself a target of 12 stone this year and a regular 40+ miles each week; hopefully, by this time next year, I'll also be getting close to sub 1:30 for a half.
FM & Richard, keep making those postings; they inspire and motivate me . . . and bring on an immense sense of guilt, when I don't run