How people run Marathons is beyond me ... the boredom ....
I'll be honest here, that's what puts me off running them - the boredom factor
However, I'd love to qualify for a
'Three Peaks Fell-Race' entry........ having said that, I did the
'HolmeMoss Fell-Race' in 2010 (18miles/4000feet of climbing)
A friend/club-mate who'd run the '3P' suggested that it was a lot harder than 'HM', then he did it in 2011, & changed his mind completely

(especially after taking 30 minutes longer than me!!)
('3P' is longer, with more ascent, but 'HM' has less marked paths, & steeper climbs)
- The climb up Laddow Rocks (from above - one slip, & a broken back/neck was possible)
- Ascent of the east side of HolmeMoss - towards the summit carpark
- The writer after the finish - note the (peat) tidemark on my legs! (pre joining a running club, when I still competed in colours/name of 'Featherstone Road Club'