Doing some running as cross-training and managed to pick up an injury... looking for some advice... hoping this thread might be the place:
So I am a fit cyclist in my mid 40's, I race and just had a good season. Excellent cardio fitness good power on a bike, reasonable core and nothing much in upper body.
I had some issues with my left knee, suspected (self diagnosed) tracking issue due to muscle imbalance. Thought I would try a bit of running to build up a better overall muscle balance. Decided to work up to a 10k via a 5k.
After my last run - I noticed that my lower back on LHS hurt and walking was painful, didn't notice anything on the run itself. I've been icing it since and taking Ibuprofen but it's still pretty nippy 5 days later. I suspect I overdid it, I'm seeing a sports massage guy tonight.
Assuming I recover how should I re-start and prevent re-occurrence? Here is my progression so far:
- Run 1: Overall distance 4k, run 1k walk 100m pace 7.08/km. I had a lot of muscle soreness after this so
- Rest for 3 days ouchy
- Run 2: Same as run 1 with pace slightly improved to 7:05. Muslce soreness gone
- Run 3: Overall distance 4k, run 1k walk 100m, run 2k walk 100m, run 1k walk 100m, pace now 6.36/km since I was eliminating walking sections
- Rest for 2 days
- Run 4: Overall distance 5k, run k walk 100m *2, run 2k walk 100m, run 1k walk 100m, pace 6.50/km
- Rest for 1 day
- Run 5: Overall distance 5.2k, run 2.5k walk 100m *2, pace 5.42/km
- Rest for 1 day
- Run 6: Overall distance 6.2k, run 3k walk 100m *2, pace 5.33/km
- Rest for 2 days
- Run 7: Overall distance 5k, run 5k, pace 5.23/km - injured back at lower LHS ow ow ow ow ow
Google has told me to improve my core muscles in lower back, mbe try gel insoles, mbe try a support belt and look at my running form...
Hopefully some good advice here,
Thanks, Vince