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Just back from completing the Snowdon Trail Marathon over the weekend, took quite a while at 06:18:42 (but did include 5,400ft of climbing) which put me at 228th out of about 500. Well pleased with that result

Get pwned every week at Horsham by an under 10. You get used to it after a while.Got totally pwned by a kid at parkrun this morning. I'm guessing around 8-9 years old. She was running with her dad and they came past me about 500m from the line. I tried to keep up, I really did, but she was going for it.
I finished in 24.16, which I'm pretty pleased with - best time this year on this course. I've only run quicker once, on the alternative course, which is slightly flatter. Still a loooong way off my all-time PB though.
According to the results, my young rival is in the JW10 category, so I'm probably about right on her age, and her course PB is 22.58. She has also gone under 24mins on the Canterbury course, which is a proper tough one. Crikey! That is seriously impressive.
A guy at track from our club who is faster than me gets beaten regularly by his son. Son is already sub 20min at parkrun. It's fantastic to see and I'll always encourage him (I marshal a lot more than I run Parkrun) but at the same time it helps me to realise I'll never be fast! Slow people just race further. If only the fast guys would stop racing longer tooGet pwned every week at Horsham by an under 10. You get used to it after a while.
Get pwned every week at Horsham by an under 10. You get used to it after a while.
feeling quite happy with todays training. New longest distance of 21 miles (so I've broken the 20 mile barrier now) in 3hours 3 minutes. Next month I'm going to be hard pushed to find time for long runs as I've got plenty of overtime and blood donation. But I think I'll manage the New Forest Marathon respectably now (11th September).
In fact I'm considering adjusting my target time from 4.5 hours to 3.75!!
31st/191 @ 23:38Nostell Priory #105 this morning
Second fastest event of year, 7 seconds quicker would have seen a better time
(no official times yet, so that time's on my watch)
After years of using Garmin forunner 205 then the forunner 305, the 305 started to play up a bit, like it wouldn't upload or when out to start a run, I had to wait ages for signal.
So I went out and brought a new Garmin forunner620
Well it's blown me away with all the stats...