Two blokes sat in the bar at the top of the empire state building. First blokes turns to the other and says 'do you know this is the only building in the world where you can jump out the window, float around the building and land back in your seat' 'Rubbish', says the second. 'It's true I tell you, its all to do with the thermal currents created by the heating in all the other buildings close by, watch'
And with that the first man jumps out of the window, circles the building and lands back in his chair.
'Wow, says the second man, that's incredible, I must try it.'
So he jumps from his seat and out the window, there is a rush of air and then a scream, and a distant splatting sound as he hits the pavement.
'You do realise when you have been drinking you can be a real bastard, superman' said the barman.