Still wavin'
- Location
- Ovver 'thill
Two guys drinking in a pub, and have spent the entire session discussing the barmaid's breasts. Last orders comes and one of them goes to the barmaid and orders "two pints of titter". He realises his mistake and apologises profusely to the barmaid who's heard it all before.
Taking the beers back to the table he tells his mate what has just happened. "That's what's called a freudian slip" says his mate. "That's where your mind is on one thing, and when you speak, what you are thinking about jumps into the converrsation."
"Oh," he said "I had another one of those this morning at breakfast. I meant to say 'Darling could you pass me the butter and the marmalade please?' but it came out as
'You've f*cking ruined my life you bitch.'"
Taking the beers back to the table he tells his mate what has just happened. "That's what's called a freudian slip" says his mate. "That's where your mind is on one thing, and when you speak, what you are thinking about jumps into the converrsation."
"Oh," he said "I had another one of those this morning at breakfast. I meant to say 'Darling could you pass me the butter and the marmalade please?' but it came out as
'You've f*cking ruined my life you bitch.'"