Any good jokes ... ?

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Heavy Metal Fan
Being an adult is having a cupbaord full of cups that you never use a house full of everything you never use but don't want to get rid of! My Dad used to say anything in the shed/garage will come in handy once every 7 years


Legendary Member
Being an adult is having a cupbaord full of cups that you never use a house full of everything you never use but don't want to get rid of! My Dad used to say anything in the shed/garage will come in handy once every 7 yearsy

I try and prune, but even so, there is a lot of stuff like bits of pipe, or brackets etc which "might come in handy". My dad is an appallng hoarder, basically at the mental problems level rather than mere eccentricity. I've seen him have a near melt-down when trying to throw away an old sainsburies receipt. On another occasion we had a row over me trying to throw away a bag of rotten veg that had turned into liquid slime, so it is beyond all reason. In mitigation if you chuck stuff away on the sly he may mention it but makes little fuss so it is now managable.

Previous triumphs included a broken fridge freezer left in the hall and very much in the way used as a cupboard. At one point I lived there, briefly whilst he lived elsewhere with his partner. Whilst it wasn't my house i had to make an executive decision and cleared out to the dump 11 estate car loads full to the roof. He made only a token fuss, as I guess he recognises it's a problem.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
There were mornings where a breathalyser would have shut the plant.

I was told by someone who had worked there that in the older brandy distilleries in France that selection of the best cut was done by taste.
At change of shifts the first job was to remove the previous stillman to a safe place till fit to go home.


Legendary Member
Being an adult is having a cupbaord full of cups that you never use a house full of everything you never use but don't want to get rid of! My Dad used to say anything in the shed/garage will come in handy once every 7 years

My wife was a hoarder. Decent stuff (in their day) such as sets of cups n saucers and stuff we bought as 'memories' when on holiday.
Now she has sadly died I am slowly going through it and binning it. Painful but it must be done.

Alex H

Legendary Member
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