I don't see it as an acceptable risk and I try not to do it. I leave a gap in front to position myself at the rear of the HGV.
My point which has been lost in my rambling posts is that car drivers have accidents where they position themselves next to the HGV. I don't see a huge outcry about stupid drivers going up next to HGVs - in fact when the popular media gets hold of the story the talk is all about blind spots. Not one story had about how cars shouldn't go near HGVs. Now with cyclists because the media and establisment is anti-cycling to a large degree (just hear what our mayor is saying about us at the moment) it is easy to blame cyclists and everyone nods wisely.
I guess my point is that it isn't that simple. I avoid HGVs and especially tippers like the plague. But there are times when one has to interact with them and a mistake by me shouldn't mean death because the vehicle is being operated half blind.
Believe me, I thought that I had a very close brush with death when the Bablake wine lorry skimmed my elbow a few months ago at really put the shytes up me. I had to stop when I could pull in to gather my courage to totally spoiled the ride. You don't get this in a car or on a motorbike as you can always stay ahead of them.
We are very vulnerable from overtaking vehicles, we both agree on this, but this wasn't the point I was disagreeing on.