After last week's excitement, I'm building again:
The next item on the “to do” list was an aeroplane. From card. Because um… I’ll get back to you on that.
I have a specific design in mind, and this isn’t it. I decided first to make a fairly freelance model just to try out some methods. For example, to see if it’s really possible to make something that is mostly curves out of flat material like card.
It turns out that with lots of sanding, filler, more sanding, enough superglue to disable a small battleship, shellac, and more sanding, it is possible to make a basic form that looks passable, although I’m sure anyone who actually knows anything about designing aeroplanes is either laughing or throwing things at the screen, and it has to be said I’d have taken a lot less time if I hadn’t gone and added all those awkward angles in the fuselage which, of course, also needed sanding.
I now need to figure out how to build something that looks like an engine out of card, and also the whole complicated mix that is the undercarriage. Now, I could also make that part static; many people advocate making a base for the model to sit on so it won’t get damaged easily, but I want to have the plane as a freestanding model. In fact, I’d really like to make the wheels turnable.
This is of course to see if it can be done and is absolutely not so that I can push it along the board during tabletop games making “whoosh whoosh” noises…