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A succinct description of the two causal factors here.
b-i-l was actually more exercised by the lack of care shown going through the lights and the junction, which I found interesting. He felt the driver probably had focussed too much on the cyclist and took too great a risk going through the junction but stressed, of course, we/he ain't seeing it from the driver's seat.

Black Country Ste

Senior Member
West Midlands
Showed this to my son ,he's is a first responder same as the driver in the video ,his opinion is you were given room , could have stopped well before the pinch point , driver did nowt wrong and if you think that it needs reporting ,your a tool...happy to help. ^_^

A first responder who should know that a big van travelling at speed will unsettle people. That's an awful attitude.


Senior Member
Sunny Suffolk
Taking everything into consideration, such as the traffic lights and island, I find it very hard to see anything "sub standard" with the driving.


Nr Cambridge
Well besides the fact the speed was stupidly high considering the driver was close to a cyclists & was close to clipping a kerb - which at those sorts of speeds in that sort of situation could lead to a rolled vehicle (rear wheel clips the kerb, putting the car into a left slide & transferring weight to the same side, with a kerb on the left to stop the vehicle from sliding further the most probable result will be a vehicle on its side or roof!). Yeah nothing sub-standard about that.


Senior Member
Sunny Suffolk
Well besides the fact the speed was stupidly high considering the driver was close to a cyclists & was close to clipping a kerb - which at those sorts of speeds in that sort of situation could lead to a rolled vehicle (rear wheel clips the kerb, putting the car into a left slide & transferring weight to the same side, with a kerb on the left to stop the vehicle from sliding further the most probable result will be a vehicle on its side or roof!). Yeah nothing sub-standard about that.

Stupidly high speed? Seriously?


Nr Cambridge
Yes, seriously, inches away from clipping a kerb considering the space constraints makes that speed stupidly high for that situation. We're talking about a few inches away from crashing the car at that speed.


Senior Member
Sunny Suffolk
Yes, seriously, inches away from clipping a kerb considering the space constraints makes that speed stupidly high for that situation. We're talking about a few inches away from crashing the car at that speed.

So just how many inches is he away from the curb?


Nr Cambridge
So just how many inches is he away from the curb?
Somewhere in the region of 6" looking at the video. Remember at that speed clipping the offside kerb on the corner would have cannoned that axel to the nearside kerb which would see the vehicle mounting the kerb at speed, if they're lucky, however instinct will probably cause them to correct making impact with the kerb face after the drop kerb likely. The front wheels would be hard to say what happens from there but at that speed, with the rear wheels it'll almost certainly be a roll event.
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Senior Member
Sunny Suffolk
Somewhere in the region of 6" looking at the video. Remember at that speed clipping the offside kerb on the corner would have cannoned that axel to the nearside kerb which would see the vehicle counting the kerb at speed, if they're lucky, however instinct will probably cause them to correct making impact with the kerb face after the drop kerb likely. The front wheels would be hard to say what happens from there but at that speed, with the rear wheels it'll almost certainly be a roll event.

Oh well. Six inches or six yards, he didn't hit the curb so I guess it doesn't really matter. No crash, no roll, no bother. A simple pass at what looks like a sensible speed. My sympathy lies with the poor sod he was on the way to help.


Nr Cambridge
Oh well. Six inches or six yards, he didn't hit the curb so I guess it doesn't really matter. No crash, no roll, no bother. A simple pass at what looks like a sensible speed. My sympathy lies with the poor sod he was on the way to help.
He was a minor misjudgement away from a collision and it's all okay?


Bird Saviour
No it shouldn't be reported. By your own admission you had stopped, he had obviously seen you bcoz he pulled out and fast responders are highly trained, they read the road much better than others, that includes noting the amber light and no one on the crossing. In my opinion you were not in danger, even tho his speed may have unsettled you. I wouldn't complain bcoz it might be you he's rushing to next time.


Legendary Member
Oh well. Six inches or six yards, he didn't hit the curb so I guess it doesn't really matter. No crash, no roll, no bother. A simple pass at what looks like a sensible speed. My sympathy lies with the poor sod he was on the way to help.

Yeah, why bother with any "near miss" reporting. The aviation, maritime and rail industries are daft - not to mention the HSE and all that crazy work-place safety. We can only learn stuff when people get injured or killed.
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