All riders-velodrome

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Über Member
Haven't been on the track since december, you are all fast blokes. This is going to kill me! But looking forward to it!

I am off on a hard bivvy adventure in the days before it - just getting the excuses in!


Legendary Member
My training?

Had one taster session a bit back so I'm slightly less than terrified on the day.

I'm thinking about giving up sex in the week leading up to the 30th and have considered only shaving one leg to help with cornering.


Legendary Member
Oooer! The day looms nearer. Been reading this thread and envying you guys - I might even turn up to watch. I did it a couple of years ago and if you don't mind I'll tell you what I found:

Riding fixed really wasn't a problem at all as long as you kept your wits about you.

The hire shoes are fine but if like me you ride heels in-toes out you'll find the cleats rigidly set straight forwards and your knees might be beginning to hurt by the end.

The air inside the 'Drome is extremely dry and warm and your throat will be like sandpaper within a couple of circuits. Take water.

If you get the same coach we got, he is indeed a sadist, pipping his whistle 1/10 of a second faster each lap to make you accelerate slowly.

Don't leave anything valuable on sight in your car.

Be prepared for 2 hours of the best fun you've had with your clothes on! Going up the banking is pure physics and is firkin' amazing, especially when you look down on top of your mates.

Young Un

New Member
Ahhh yes. After speaking to my Dad, and metioning numerous times that you were kindly offering to give me a lift, he has decided that he wants to take me. However, as you were kind enough to offer me a lift, he is offering you a lift if you want it?



Über Member
South Norfolk
That would be great - save having two vehicles going from virtually the same place!

We can sort out how to meet up nearer the time - shouldn't be too hard to hop on the train down to Redditch I think.

Young Un

New Member
Just checked with my Dad, and he said that we can pick you up from the train station. He also asked me, which I wasn't too sure about, was whether you are bringing a bike? It shouldn't matter either way, aslong as you don't mind taking the wheels out.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Gonna say, with RR's comments - take drinks, you'll need it...and maybe tissues etc.. if you are snotty bugger like me....(exercise induced snot rockets.... blergh):eek:

Take some munchies....I'll try and bring the camera if in the car - tempted to come on Frank or the Fixed if weather OK.

It's well weird riding round at first storey level......:wacko:

Use the camber as well...oh bugger too many tips....:smile:
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