Admit your ignorance - things you've only just realised/learned

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South Wales
That my rim brakes are more powerful than my hydraulic discs.

And easier to look after.

You seem to have only just realised something false (unless you have really crappy disc brakes). :whistle:


South Wales
My discuss seem about as effective as my mates disc brakes. I'll have to try a Great British Brake Off to see what's better.

In the dry, with properly adjusted modern rim brakes, there will be very little difference, because both can brake hard enough to lock the wheels, and optimum braking is just before the wheels lock. The disc brakes would probably do so fractionally sooner.

But the rim brakes certainly shouldn't be *more* powerful.

And in the wet, disc brakes are an order of magnitude better, because their performance hardly degrades at all.
That being annoyed by a jogger running in the middle of the road where I'm riding when there's a perfectly good, empty and wide pavements is the same sentiment motorists have with cyclists who aren't using the cycle path next to the road.

If we think we're not the same as motorists in mentality we're wrong! It's in there somewhere, the intolerance whether you recognise it or not.
The character on a few adverts I thought was created specifically to catch your eye because he's annoyingly plastic, really looks like that, and is actually an actor called Rylan Clark-Neal.
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