A weird, but true, sentence about yourself

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I once stood on a dead guys dreadlocks, automatically said sorry to him, police and others present burst into laughter at this the exact moment the recently deceased guys partner, who didn't know he was dead, walked in. :sad:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
20 odd years back whilst at a football match. I was photographed and appeared in full colour on the back page of a Spanish newspaper. The headline said Tattooed Hooligans invade Zaragoza.

I still have the paper.

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
[QUOTE 4701424, member: 45"]You know Mike Southworth retired last year after teaching there for 50 years?


Teachers are generally a good bunch. They do it for the love, I don't think there were more than a couple of teachers I didn't respect and like, even if I wasn't the best pupil, never a trouble maker, only mischief.. I don't hold with that old Bernard Shaw saying "He who can, does, he who cannot teaches". My dads a teacher a PE teacher (and his love of sport drives him to make sportsmen/women of all he can ) and a bloody good one too, this is born out by the fact that his nickname amongst the kids is "legend".

That guy looks a really nice one who I'm sure would have done his very best for his pupils.


Leg End Member
Teachers are generally a good bunch. They do it for the love, I don't think there were more than a couple of teachers I didn't respect and like, even if I wasn't the best pupil, never a trouble maker, only mischief.. I don't hold with that old Bernard Shaw saying "He who can, does, he who cannot teaches". My dads a teacher a PE teacher (and his love of sport drives him to make sportsmen/women of all he can ) and a bloody good one too, this is born out by the fact that his nickname amongst the kids is "legend".

That guy looks a really nice one who I'm sure would have done his very best for his pupils.
I would say the better ones do it because they love teaching Which is why they stick in your memory. I'd a woodwork teacher who stayed on five months after he retired, because he didn't want another teacher taking over before the final exams. I was in his last class. 24lb of Quality Street left on his desk one morning, in a "locked" room.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
[QUOTE 4701424, member: 45"]You know Mike Southworth retired last year after teaching there for 50 years?

Sorry to everyone else on this thread for the diversion .... but just had to point out that, although I left that school in 1979, amazingly three of my old teachers seem to still be on the the current teaching staff 38 years later!! (Including George Cookson, the PE teacher - and Moseley rugby player - who I once flattened when he over-motivated me when I was slacking at rugby .... and I charged straight at him, scoring a rare try and leaving him flat on his back in the mud). That's my last word on the subject, honest. Back to the original theme. ..... (single weird but true sentences about yourself, etc).


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
When I was about 17, my boss took me to meet the guy who built the real life versions of Batmans Batmobile and Lady Penelpes 6 wheeled pink Rolls Royce.

I actually ruined cereal. Forgot to add the milk before putting my cornflakes in the microwave to warm them up. Burnt isn't the word.


Cycling in the sun
My mum used to have the key to get in one of the gates at Windsor Castle (grounds) once a month. It was enormous!
IMorrissey got pulled off the stage[..] and landed on his head [..]
Tosser still went off and wouldn't come back out again
That is a really serious assault, with a potential of a fatal injury. Did you really expect him to appear in front of that crowd again? Also, did you contact the police as a witness to ensure that the thugs (oh, I beg your pardon, "lads") who committed this assault could be charged?

Not a Morrisey or Smiths fan, just a human being.
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