A pavement parking odyssey

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To be honest, I've had business insurance on all my vehicles just because it was so cheap, and I didn't have to worry about trying to think about the purpose of my trip when jumping in whatever vehicle was available to me at the time. I do remember being stopped at the side of the road for what seemed like ages trying to explain to a local cop the difference between hauling your own kit and hire and reward. :banghead:


Whist I get your point, adding business use to my insurance policy is pennies.

...not when you change your occupation to delivery driver

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
Niet. The moment you use a car for a purpose for which you are uninsured, eg, using it for work purposes with no business cover, you are uninsured, period. You carry the risk, not the insurer.

BITD I'd have seized the car and reported the driver to court for no insurance.

I think @figbat is actually correct. The insurance company carries the third party risk, but wouldn't pay you out for damage etc to your car. E.g. if you have taken out insurance and made a false statement to get it (not stating for business use perhaps), makes it a voidable contract. If you then plough into a bus queue, then the insurance would cover the medical treatment for injuries to others caused, but wouldn't be paying out for damage to your vehicle or indeed, yourself. It makes sense really, particularly if you were one of the ones in the bus queue.


South Wales
I think @figbat is actually correct. The insurance company carries the third party risk, but wouldn't pay you out for damage etc to your car. E.g. if you have taken out insurance and made a false statement to get it (not stating for business use perhaps), makes it a voidable contract. If you then plough into a bus queue, then the insurance would cover the medical treatment for injuries to others caused, but wouldn't be paying out for damage to your vehicle or indeed, yourself. It makes sense really, particularly if you were one of the ones in the bus queue.

They would also be suing you to recover the costs they had paid out.


Legendary Member
I think @figbat is actually correct. The insurance company carries the third party risk, but wouldn't pay you out for damage etc to your car. E.g. if you have taken out insurance and made a false statement to get it (not stating for business use perhaps), makes it a voidable contract. If you then plough into a bus queue, then the insurance would cover the medical treatment for injuries to others caused, but wouldn't be paying out for damage to your vehicle or indeed, yourself. It makes sense really, particularly if you were one of the ones in the bus queue.

With respect to all, that is incorrect.

It an insurer were covering 3rd party risks then you would not be driving uninsured. That would be compliance with the minimum requirement for insurance under the Road Traffic Act.

https://kangandco.co.uk/2023/09/28/...you-dont-have-business-cover/#:~:text=Driving without the necessary business,for damages and legal costs.

It's not like speeding or dr8nk driving, where 3rd party risk is still covered by the insurer even it they won't pay out for your own damage. If you take out a car insurance policy covering the cars use for one purpose but then use the car for a different purpose you are simply uninsured and the company will not cover third party risk. You'd be on your own.

There is even a stated case where someone driving along innocently spots a friend who had broken down whilemdoing a food delivery and stopped to give them a lift. Yep, they got caught and the court determined they were using the car for a business purpose, even if innocently, and were driving unjnsured.

Ditto people who try to save money by not paying to have commuting on the policy but who then drive to work. For the duration of that journey they are not insured, period (as the Americans say.)

I have put hundreds before the courts adross almost three decades for both these scenarios. Follow the Facebook or Twatter feed of any roads policing unit and you'll see these every single day.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Er!! 🧐 :ohmy:



Just had an entertaining (for me at least) end to an afternoon pavement parker.

A car was parked half on the pavement outside our house for about half an hour with the engine running for nearly an hour. The noise was highly irritating and I'd almost resolved to go and ask the occupants to switch off when the passenger decided to open their door... into the side of the only other car that's driven down the street in all the time they were there. A scuffed door and busted wing mirror later maybe they'll be more careful (if not considerate) in future.


Legendary Member
Outside Mini Ds school this afternoon.



Legendary Member
I really hope that one was answering a call ( might be related to the van being towed?), and wasn't blocking the pavement.

If it can be operationally justified, fair enough. Legislation permits it.

If it can't then back in my day that would have earned an "interview without coffee" from the area commander and an enforced £100 donation to the Supernintendos favourite charity.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Outside Mini Ds school this afternoon.

View attachment 730860

On about zebra crossings, I was going to post this on the trivial things that annoy you immensely thread, but seeing as it's close to parking on pavements I'll post it on here. As I walked from my car to the local Tesco store this evening I saw a car parked up to the zebra as close as it could be without actually parking on the zebra. It was on my right hand side, with the rear end being the one closest to the zebra. As I walked on the supposedly safe zebra crossing, just as I was about to walk behind this vehicle the driver decided to reverse! He either did it on purpose after seeing me glare at his car, or he was just a thick so and so who was totally unaware of his surroundings. It wasn't just me who found this very annoying as a bloke who saw it shouted at the driver to check his mirrors before setting off. This idiot driver then shouted f... off, through his open window. What a saddo eh!!🧐


Legendary Member
I've had exactly that happen to me on the crossing in the picture. Some brain donor had parked on it, and then reversed onto the crossing proper in order to clear yet another car parked in the crossing zone.

I repeatedly smacked the rear window and shouted all sorts of obscenities to gain the drivers attention - much to the delight of the kids- and they did stop, but in concerns me that if I hadn't been there they woukd have carried on and squidged a kid.

Really dangerous sheet like parking in a crossing zone should be a banning offence.
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