I've done four rides now between 40 and 50 miles. Three have gone OK, and one was a disaster. The disaster one was that after 30 miles I had lost almost all energy, and the remaining 10 miles home were all riding in the wind. I ended up with an average of just 7mph over the last 10 miles: thankfully this was on empty back roads where I could do this with almost no danger, had it been another route I may have ended up walking to stay safe.
What's the best strategy for eating/drinking? I am still fairly heavy, and while weight loss is a goal, I obviously need to put enough in me to comfortably get me back home.
Currently I eat a bowl of muesli (nuts and dried fruit) with milk about 30-60 mins before and I take with me: two 750ml bottles, one is plain water, one is 40% pure orange juice, 60% water and a bit of salt; a banana and dried dates. I usually eat and drink first about 2 hours in, consuming the rest over the remainder of the ride. Depending on if there are hills, these rides take between 3 and 4 hours normally.