24 hours in London - now I know why cyclists are so hated!

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Senior Member
I would have to agree with BentMikey, in that they are a boon.

My view is:
You have 'normal people' or tourists riding or bimbling around in normal clothing, and wearing no helmets, it's great to see!
It can only help to turn the view of cycling, of an activity that rather than being for those in Lycra is a fun activity for all.

Not to say I have a problem with cyclists in Lycra, but for a majority of 'normal people' that is not what the image should be, instead the image should be of a fun and relaxed activity that is away from the normal rat race in London.

All that bimbling around also means that drivers should become more aware and take extra care around bikes, and if you have enough people doing it then it also forces the local authority, TFL and the Government to take notice and provide provision.

On a Sunday afternoon, I'd be in agreement with you guys. In rush hour on a Monday morning, no - but that's just my opinion obviously ^_^


I know where my towel is
On a Sunday afternoon, I'd be in agreement with you guys. In rush hour on a Monday morning, no - but that's just my opinion obviously ^_^


I understand, I myself have been annoyed at slow moving boris bikes, especially those in office suits :whistle: , but then I remind myself to just enjoy the ride and that a scalp is a scalp :laugh: (what, I need all the help I can get!)


Über Member
I can only dream of other bikes everywhere. We have a few more now that it's sunny, but it's not like London, where you'll see at least five on any given road. Who cares if they're slow - it's much more relaxing to ride in the presence of other cyclists, and if you want, you can use them as an excuse for a break.


Senior Member
In some cases cyclist are better off on the pavement. If they do get onto the pavement, remember to dismount etc. I do not get where the idea came from that cyclist can pass red lights, but I see it quite a lot and it is annoying. It gives other cyclist a bad image as well as putting the persons life at risk.


Bexley, Kent

I understand, I myself have been annoyed at slow moving boris bikes, especially those in office suits :whistle: , but then I remind myself to just enjoy the ride and that a scalp is a scalp :laugh: (what, I need all the help I can get!)
I often use a Boris bike to get around London. They're my transport of choice after I have showered and changed out of my commute Lycra. And I wear a suit. They are ace bikes and I think are very stately and calming and most people riding them have a smile on their face. I would buy one as my hack bike if I had a chance.


I know where my towel is
I often use a Boris bike to get around London. They're my transport of choice after I have showered and changed out of my commute Lycra. And I wear a suit. They are ace bikes and I think are very stately and calming and most people riding them have a smile on their face. I would buy one as my hack bike if I had a chance.

Agreed, when I started to get back on a bike (I think ~10-12months ago), I started out by hiring boris bikes in the morning and evenings, but I sweat far too easily to wear shirt and trousers! :sweat:

Instead it was t-shirt and shorts, or t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms, and no helmet.
It was interesting riding from Holborn to Bow, part of it along the CS2 on the boris bikes, although sometimes when I first started it was a little scary in places.


Just got back from couple of days in That London you all like so much.

Lots of cyclists out and about - I guess the hot weather helps - and plenty of BBs in action. Didn't really notice any mass disobedience - if anything it all looked a bit better behaved than when I commuted there. Exhibition Road's interesting these days!


Well-Known Member
By the Ching
[QUOTE 2552855, member: 1314"] The miserable OP is rather hysterical and spiteful and I think symptomatic of imposed personal issues. .[/quote]

How is the OP hysterical and spiteful for pointing out his observations? I ride into the City every day and would agree with him.

Primal Scream

Get your rocks off
[QUOTE 2552855, member: 1314"]You went to that there London and never told us! The miserable OP is rather hysterical and spiteful and I think symptomatic of imposed personal issues. He comes to London and moans. We get 2,500 cyclists out on a protest at a day's notice.[/quote]
The 2,500 cyclists is a great response however that does not negate the original post. I travel all over North and East London and some of the cycling is pig ignorant and often bloody dangerous.

RLJ is endemic in this general area, one tosser nearly had me over as I had the cheek to try and walk across a pedestrian crossing on a "green man" and got told to get out of the F****** way, anecdotal yes but there are myriad examples of this every day in London.

There are quite obviously good riders (me for one :tongue:) but are large minority are twats, same with drivers (except black cab drivers who are all w@nkers) and pedestrians

I say this as someone who was born in London and has lived in London all his life.

Primal Scream

Get your rocks off
Was "hate" used in it's strongest form, I would say I "hate" certain customers but what I really mean is I dont much like them really. It's like saying drop dead, I doubt anyone would be pleased if the object of the remark did.

I was going to have the brass neck to turn up at your curry night uninvited :becool: but I have booked a late holiday in Italy.


Senior Member
Last night about 10.30, I was on the bus coming north on the Old Kent Road and saw a chap run a red whilst turning left onto the OKR in front of the bus, of course the idiot had no lights on but what made this worse was that the car stopped at the red he jumped was a police car and they did absolutely nothing, not even a toot of the siren or a yell out the window.

Then a few days ago, Horse Guards Road was closed to all traffic, cyclists were only allowed through on foot and I heard the police at both ends informing us of this. It didn't stop more than half a dozen cyclists getting on their bikes right after the police and continue cycling. I heard some police shout at cyclists mid-way along and most had to get off and walk.

Some people do whatever they feel like because they know there are no real punitive consequences and safety-wise, they think they're immune. Unfortunately, these 'some' feel like 'most' even though rationally, I know this can't be true.


Here for rides.
Why are central London riders on their own bikes so ruddy po-faced* these days? They look like they are being forced to cycle as part of some community service order. Froome looked happier on the second climb up Alpe D'Huez!

I'd blame thatcher the hot weather but every time I've been up this year they've been the same.

*With the exception of CoG who rides with an expression of gritty determination. And Adrian who always has an arched eyebrow and an impish grin.
Wobbly tourists not sure which way they want to go at interections are great. Cars slow down, see the hazard and give the tourists SPACE!
Boris bikes have changed London for the better imo.

I always ride a Boris Bike when I'm in London. I usually take them there in the boot of my car or on a First Great Western train.

I do not find them wobbly or heavy. In fact some of them are deliciously light and flickable.

I confess that they have been involved in several accidents and that some of those were caused by the idiot on the pedals.

Nonetheless, I think it unfair to blame everything in London on the Boris Bike. These days, I'm hardly ever there!


I wasn't slating the bikes, I think they are OK actually. It's usually the riders not being sure of which way to go and thus wobbling around.
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