24 hours in London - now I know why cyclists are so hated!

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How much does it cost to Oldham?
Not me. I'm lovely. :smile:

Apart from cyclopathic. He'/she's just a *****.


Senior Member
Just got back from working in London and tbh they're/you're all buggers but other peds (as a ped) are the worst and should all be shot. Ignorant sods!

I'm quite ok with being snuggled up to everyone on the tube but why do people leave less than a person's width to get off by crowding the sides?
Why do peds decide to overtake when theres not enough room for 2 abreast and people coming the other way?
Walk infront of traffic mindlessly.
Overtaking then getting your phone out to text...

It was nice to see so many people on their bikes, but I had a few cringes as people are far too keen to filter up the inside rather than up the outside.


I know where my towel is
Just got back from working in London and tbh they're/you're all buggers but other peds (as a ped) are the worst and should all be shot. Ignorant sods!

Walking along Oxford Street on a Saturday is a nightmare, hate it, especially in the warmer weather.
So many ignorant people who don't look where they are going, and don't get me started on those rude people on their mobiles, argh!!

I would hate to ride a bike or drive a bus round there, if I am on the bike I avoid that area like the plague.

Although it is nice to walk down there when they close Oxford Street to all traffic at Xmas.


What was remarkable for me as a cyclist coming from laid-back rural Lancashire was the aggression of the cyclists I saw - there really was a strong sense that they saw themselves as part of a war of attrition against drivers and pedestrians. Quite apart from anything else they were bad mannered and selfish and not behaving in a way conducive to happy co-existance in a crowded city.

As another from rural Lancashire I had precisely the same experience as yourself during two recent London visits. I tried making some points about it only to be told I was "part of the problem" in relation to how cyclists are viewed by drivers. Quite astonished by that and gave up on the discussion.

I think one just has to accept it's city living. I've seen some pretty poor riding in Manchester and recently rode with a guy from Newcastle who did stuff I wouldn't dream of.

The point about the need to be assertive I can appreciate but it doesn't explain why I saw so much very poor cycling behaviour in London at 10.00 on a sunny Sunday morning!


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
I think one added dangerous element in London that other places in the UK doesn't have, is the Boris bikes. They are such a hazard, to me anyway, the people that ride them tend to be very unsure/nervous which is compounded by the bikes themselves being very heavy and difficult to handle.

Boris bikes are heavy, sure, but they're actually very easy to handle. They, and their riders, aren't hazards at all, unless you're impatient and want to pass too closely, like some of the drivers we like to complain about.

A bit wobbly gave you a fright? You rode too close to them is all. I want more wobbly people on the roads, they help to train drivers to give us all more room. Lovely!


Practice makes perfect ;-)


Senior Member
Boris bikes are heavy, sure, but they're actually very easy to handle. They, and their riders, aren't hazards at all, unless you're impatient and want to pass too closely, like some of the drivers we like to complain about.

A bit wobbly gave you a fright? You rode too close to them is all. I want more wobbly people on the roads, they help to train drivers to give us all more room. Lovely!

Hi Mikey

I don't think I said I had a fright... I think if I was being inconsiderate and impatient, I would have just overtaken him and not backed off like I did. A lot of these Boris bikers do take their time moving off from stationary at red lights, then they'll stop suddenly cos the bike is too heavy - it's a bit dangerous when you're behind them and you've got a bus breathing down your neck not expecting you to stop. Then there's the tourists who cycle the wrong way up Whitehall towards you cos they don't know we drive on the left....

I made a couple of journeys on these bikes when they first came out and I wouldn't use them again - besides the issue of finding a docking space at the other end - they're just so badly designed (I appreciate they're made heavy and unattractive to make people not want to nick them ^_^).


Senior Member
Wobbly tourists not sure which way they want to go at interections are great. Cars slow down, see the hazard and give the tourists SPACE!
Boris bikes have changed London for the better imo.

Cars slow down and give the tourists space? :laugh:


Senior Member
[QUOTE 2550283, member: 1314"]Yeah, sure the BB-ers are a bit slow and clumsy at times but I’ve never felt they put me at risk. And I’ve never seen one go the wrong way on a road though I’ll take your word for it. BB-ers are the least of my concerns on the roads. Just give them a wide berth.

Let’s put this into context – I can’t think of one KSI where a BB has been at fault (that death the other week not withstanding as the facts aren’t out).[/quote]

I agree, they are fairly low down on the list of dangers and hindrances :thumbsup:


I know where my towel is
No mate, they are neither a danger nor a hindrance by comparison with almost everything else on the roads. They are in fact a huge boon to us cyclists.

I would have to agree with BentMikey, in that they are a boon.

My view is:
You have 'normal people' or tourists riding or bimbling around in normal clothing, and wearing no helmets, it's great to see!
It can only help to turn the view of cycling, of an activity that rather than being for those in Lycra is a fun activity for all.

Not to say I have a problem with cyclists in Lycra, but for a majority of 'normal people' that is not what the image should be, instead the image should be of a fun and relaxed activity that is away from the normal rat race in London.

All that bimbling around also means that drivers should become more aware and take extra care around bikes, and if you have enough people doing it then it also forces the local authority, TFL and the Government to take notice and provide provision.
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