205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Progress thread

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Cracking a solo.
Collapsed lung, AF, broken ankle, ... HAMR should carry a health warning ...
It's certainly not for mere mortals.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Day 267 / 48: Kurt starts late after an eventful day of heart issues, but he keeps up his high average speed on local roads to complete 189 miles. He remains around 710 miles above WR pace and less than a day's riding behind Tommy's like-for-like distance. Steve rides out to the Norfolk coast passing Walter Greaves's 1936 record with 220 miles for the day. Miles returns to riding repeats of the northern section of the bay for a 162 mile total.



usually riding on Zwift...
Am I right in thinking (without having read the link :blush:) that Steve is less likely to suffer from these issues, as he is riding to a HRM and thus not really straining himself - or his heart, at any rate - nearly as much ?
Kurt's (normal) riding heart rate is phenomenally low, though. I'm not sure he actively uses his heart rate as a guide to how fast he should be going in the same way that Steve suggests he does, but for the most part Kurt's HR has been around 80-100 bpm, like Steve's has.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Dlay 268 / 49:
Kurt's speed appears unaffected by his recent heart diagnosis as he manages to fit 212 miles of Little Rock riding around an appointment with the cardiologist. Steve sticks to north Norfolk with a 205 mile loop from the Acle Travelodge, putting him within a day of Bernard Bennett's 1937 record. Miles rides up and down the bay for a 184 mile total.



Cracking a solo.
Tarzan Rides the HAM'R Kurt Searvogel
54 mins ·
TARZAN UPDATE: Kurt was out the door before 5:AM heading east then south/southwest. BDB is today and he was planning on riding, but he's had enough excitement for the week. We hope everyone understands and has a great ride today. Yesterday, the cardiologist was encouraging and said, "Don't give up!" So, he is good to go. Although, he does need to get his hypothyroid under control and see an endocrinologist asap. And yes, I'll be dragging his stubborn butt in to see whoever he needs to see to make sure he is healthy enough to continue. I expected this last lap around the earth to be the most difficult with unexpected road blocks and challenges. We have both taken big hits, yet there is no stopping us. This is just what we were meant to do. Thank you for all of your well wishes and support. ~ Alicia


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo over the other place
Day 269 / 50: Kurt heads southward to the Arkansas-Texas border at the well-named Texarkana. To add to the events of this week, he has "a little crash today - feeling battered up", yet still manages 208 miles. Steve, on day 50 of his reboot, rides back to MK while passing the 10,000 milestone and Bernard Bennett's 1937 record of 45,801 miles. Miles continues to get familiar with the Port Phillip coastal road for a 161 mile day.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
So Steve passes 10,000 miles for the reboot in 50 days
Wow big deal, I passed 10,000 today too.. oh hold on... thats for the year....



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Day 270 /51: Kurt rides back north from Texarkana towards Little Rock, nursing the road rash and bumps from yesterday's pothole induced off and adding 205 miles to his total. Steve does a Cambridgeshire loop via Ely for 219 miles putting him 758 miles ahead of his like-for-like February self. Miles does 3 repeats of the northern part of the bay road for 176 miles.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
[QUOTE 3926554, member: 9609"]still 3 months to go - will you pass 13 for the year - what is your biggest year ?

I'm not going for 13, but would be nice to achieve that as it would be my longest yearly mileage by a huge margin. Previous being 10,801miles. Though I won't be disappointed if I don't.

It just goes to show how phenomenal these long distance athletes are that they can knock out +200 milers day after day after day. After my longish ride yesterday of 157 miles.. my legs are feeling it big time on this mornings commute.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place

Day 271 / 52: A day of familiar routes for all three riders. Kurt heads out east followed by repeats on his local roads to give him a day's total of 220 miles. Steve does a 207 mile Cambridgeshire loop. Miles does several repeats of the northern section of the bay road for 235 miles. As the Melbourne weather eases, he now appears to be completing longer distances after a fallow period but has a long way to catch up to WR pace.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
From Jo from the other place
Day 272 / 53: A late start, some wet weather, a couple of punctures and a terminal problem for his recumbent all make interesting times for Kurt. Nevertheless he rides fast for a total of 212 miles. Steve does 215 miles of Cambridgeshire and Suffolk in good early autumn weather. Miles does a couple more bay trips for 126 miles.

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