205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Discussion thread

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Lovely jubbly
You see, that's the great thing about grandchildren: you understand references to cartoon wise elves.
I always liked "Big bad Barry" myself.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
I did a century ride today & it was the hardest 100 I've ever done with the wind, so massive respect to Steve for doing a ton+ every day this year when the wind was even stronger


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Blimming cold aswell, big ride, on your own or with others?
There was 4 of us most of the ride, but towards the end we all needed different amounts to complete the ton, so a couple of us went our own way :blush: It was cold early on, set off about 8:30, but was dressed for the occasion & didn't feel it too much :thumbsup: (never thought I'd wear a balaclava again, since I was about 10 :laugh:)


It's a bit more complicated than that...
This morning we looked out on snow falling, and when we went out at about 3pm the ice was just beginning to form. In the meantime, Steve has ridden from MK to somewhere north of York - and is still going.


Über Member
County Durham
Does anyone else think the american bloke is cheating by using a recumbent to try and break a record which was set by a rider using regular bike?
The UCI are usually so strict about such things
[QUOTE 3486545, member: 9609"]There seems to be a bit of unfairness with the weather, I would guess big miles are a little easier in San Diego and Florida at the moment.
And that must have been one straight road Pruett used to get to Dallas Link

Never mind though, our boy is showing them how its done no matter how bad the weather is.[/QUOTE]

Anyway, the records indicate it's easier in the UK than elsewhere


Über Member
County Durham
Why is it cheating? It's a bicycle.
I believe its unfair because he is using a machine which in certain conditions I.e the. ultra flat roads which he is riding has much less wind resistance. Would it be fair if Steve was drafting a car or moped all day if Tommy did not? The UCI normally have strict rules concerning machines used to break records. They have only just changed the requiment for the hour record to tempt the current pros who shunned it before.
But they still would not let them ride a recumbent for the attempt.


Bionic Subsonic
The rules are the rules, and with this attempt you are allowed to be paced (at least by other riders, not sure about motor-pacing). Tommy Godwin had the same though with Team Raleigh riders leading him out for some of the rides.

I'm not happy with the recumbent being allowed, as normally a recumbent record would be in a different category, but as they are allowed then Kurt is taking advantage of one. To be fair he doesn't normally ride a recumbent, and so is having to learn and adapt to it as he goes along meaning it won't be helipng as much as you would think. From what I have heard he's trying to do about 20 miles/day on it to get used to the thing.

This challenge is as much mental as physical though. We've a long way to go, and both riders are doing some amazing riding, whatever the conditions they have :smile:
It's such a huge record and it's stood for so long, that I really doubt the type of bike is going to make the difference over a year. It's entirely down to the riders. And I am sure they both chose the frames that suit them best.

Maybe if the record falls twice this year, and people are lining up to try it next year, they can split it into categories. But if there are only two serious attempts going on, all in is the way to go.
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