And the price of fish is?
The Borg like to say ‘resistance is futile’, but they are in error. Resistance is plainly voltage over current.
Where's the "understand" emoji?
Would it be a light bulb? I don’t do ‘emoji’.
Lincoln was renowned as one of the best but it's been scrapped this year because it was too popular!!!Xmas markets,once you have seen one you have seen them all.Leeds was shoot for years.It seems they have let it loose this year and it's spread out more.Will i visit no.Manchester is great massive,but seen it twice and not worth the train journey.Edinburgh very good but so busy crushed by the crowds,and i understand it's been moved this year,because of foot damage in the grounds it was held in.Best was Edinburgh Botanical Gardens NOT a market,it was super.The stupid prices of things espesh those sweet counters pick and mix one has been slated in Leeds this week.
So in a hundred years time [if human race isnt extinct] xmas has evolved into santa claus'mas the festival of gluttony...
Children get the annual lesson that greed is good and over consumption of the last legal drug is acceptable. If a brave soul stands up to point out this corruption of tradition [like the guy seeing that the emperor has no clothes ] it wont go down well with the masses.... The baying mob will want to string him up or get out the wood and the nails.....
Im not a christian so not concerned about its fan club IMHO truthfulness or lack thereof is critical to whether humanity survives or not50 years time this country will not be a Christain country anymore, as even now Christian country in name only.