Just a convenient hanger for a few random thoughts - nothing particular about your post.
I wonder if the fact that "so many
females" are being killed/seriously injured may be a red herring? I can think of at least two groups, defined by being male and of a certain age, where there is an identifiable population of .... I'll use the phrase "less assertive riders". Aye - and this isn't London-based, either.
First - older men. In their 50s and 60s. They've been pootling back and forwards to work on their bikes for 30-40 years. Slowly. It's been their cheap transport, convenient for shifts which start or finish when the buses are stopped, and keeps their beer-gut under control. And they ride doggedly and determinedly ... along the double yellow lines. As they learned 40 years ago.
But please - no dismissive terms like "gutter-huggers". So many great old guys, with stories to tell. There's a goodly number around S Leeds, especially Dewsbury Road, going to/from the industrial parks.
And of this I am sure, they figure very highly in KSI figures. Hard statistical evidence? I have none. It's an impression gained from reading newspaper accounts, and police requests for witnesses to hit-and-run accidents.
Second group - an identifiable group among
secondary school-age boys.
I commute to schools, and inevitably get to know the other cycle-rack users (... and repair their punctures, adjust their gears, and admonish them for their shocking brakes!). A group easy to miss among the testosterone-fuelled teenage jackasses pulling wheelies along the pavement, or riding down dual carriageway York Road, in the outside lane, at night, without lights ... against the traffic (yup! I saw you, Dwayne

) ....
.... the quiet, polite, studious (bless 'em - that's often NOT a reflection of academic ability). Almost certainly taught "rules of the road" (ahem!) by a grandfather; aye, and keen to do right by their grandpa. With that same dogged determination to ride hard to the left, in the gutter.
And it infuriates me beyond all reason when I see how they get treated by some drivers on the road. "Bullying"? Doesn't do justice to the farking callous and deliberate intimidation I've seen some of these guys experience. [Fortunately, I have no inkling of how they feature in KSI rates. Nor do I want one - I teach some of the wee guys.]
As a general comment on a theme in many of the previous posts - basically, "mtfu and be assertive"? Sorry - that's victim blaming.

If we need research - it's into the mindset of driving. If we need education - it's for drivers. If we need action - it's on piss-poor drivers.
Eeeh - that were a ramble!