£30 fine for no lights

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Am I the only person who thinks this is out of order? The police in York refuse to enforce the 20mph zone I work on. We have a constant stream of cars hurtling up the road at the most obnoxious speeds. All day long. Less than 100 yards from the actual police station! And it's clear to anyone with the eyes to see that the battle to stop people speeding on motorways has been lost. They've given up trying to stop drivers using their mobile phones, tailgating and running red lights. Nah, let's ignore all the idiots causing the danger and focus instead on those terrible cyclists. Because we all hate cyclists don't we?

Dan B

Disengaged member
read my previous post pls.
I read it. It said
So long as they have hi-vis and lights, there is no need for reflectors.
I remain unclear whether this is your actual understanding of the law, or your hypothesis of the thought processes of other (unspecified) cyclists. If the former, I contend that you are wrong and I will pay £40 to the Cyclists Defence Fund (or your choice of charity) if you can cite a law that says otherwise


Legendary Member
Am I the only person who thinks this is out of order? The police in York refuse to enforce the 20mph zone I work on. We have a constant stream of cars hurtling up the road at the most obnoxious speeds. All day long. Less than 100 yards from the actual police station! And it's clear to anyone with the eyes to see that the battle to stop people speeding on motorways has been lost. They've given up trying to stop drivers using their mobile phones, tailgating and running red lights. Nah, let's ignore all the idiots causing the danger and focus instead on those terrible cyclists. Because we all hate cyclists don't we?

Ah, the old "someone somewhere else is being naughty too so it's out of order that I'm getting fingered" routine.

We do occasionally have shoplifters ask us why we're not out hassling motorists.

If you're being a plank and get your thighs smacked for it then it's really irrelevant what someone else may or may not be doing - it'll be someone else's turn next time.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Back to the OP.
Would it not be better if Plod stopped the unlit UNI cyclists and gave them a friendly warning that they'd be back for the next few evenings and if they're still 'riding without lights', they'd be nicked?


Über Member
I thought law required rear red reflector only, with red light at rear, with white at front?

Front reflector and pedal reflectors to be visible only if fitted.


Well-Known Member
if you ride a bike in darkness hours..you need lights...hmmm..yeah... sounds about right
Ah, the old "someone somewhere else is being naughty too so it's out of order that I'm getting fingered" routine.

We do occasionally have shoplifters ask us why we're not out hassling motorists.

If you're being a plank and get your thighs smacked for it then it's really irrelevant what someone else may or may not be doing - it'll be someone else's turn next time.

Uh. I really need to explain this to you?: Cyclists pose infinitesimally little danger to anyone but themselves. Motorists kill people. The polis have their priorities wrong. Capeesh?
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