£30 fine for no lights

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Cycling in the sun
They often have police stopping cyclists without lights around about the time the clocks go back. As far as I know if the cyclist turns up with working lights in the next week the fine is cancelled. Or that could be a made up memory.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
They often have police stopping cyclists without lights around about the time the clocks go back. As far as I know if the cyclist turns up with working lights in the next week the fine is cancelled. Or that could be a made up memory.
made up or not.. it's a sensible approach. Either spend a fiver on some lights or pay a 30 pound fine. I assume the point of the initiative is to encourage more cyclists to use lights... unless they're fund raising to make up the shortfall caused by recent cuts.
Ive seen fines being handed out for cycling on the pavement. But i haven't seen a cyclist being stopped for having no lights and since part of my commute means i rollout as soon as night falls. I regularly pass at least 2 or 3 cyclists on my way home that have no lights. No helmet and no hi-vis. These are probably the luckiest people in the world to have not been knocked over, injured or potentially even killed, especially on london roads. The police really need to enforce these laws to keep everybody safe. If a copper stopped and fined me for having no lights or hi-vis id take it on the chin. After all its for my own safety that i be properly equipped
Did I miss something? Has the law changed? I sincerely hope not.


Ive seen fines being handed out for cycling on the pavement. But i haven't seen a cyclist being stopped for having no lights and since part of my commute means i rollout as soon as night falls. I regularly pass at least 2 or 3 cyclists on my way home that have no lights. No helmet and no hi-vis. These are probably the luckiest people in the world to have not been knocked over, injured or potentially even killed, especially on london roads. The police really need to enforce these laws to keep everybody safe. If a copper stopped and fined me for having no lights or hi-vis id take it on the chin. After all its for my own safety that i be properly equipped
About time you learnt what the law says.
They do this in Cambridge when the clocks go back. Sadly they don't do a similar thing for cars with faulty headlights.

I remember a few years ago they were stopping cyclists at the Gosport Ferry

There is a crossing and stopped at the crossing was a muppet on his phone.

Half a dozen cyclists shouting "Oi Constable... this prat's on his phone"

Credit to the PC as he walked across instructed the guy to pull in and dealt with him


Legendary Member
No sympathy for 'em, but it's an easy target... Yet another 'Stealth Tax' IMHO :rolleyes:

I dont quite understand your reasoning here.

You have no sympathy with them so I assume you agree that they should be fined.

Then you say they are an easy target Stealth tax. Which makes it appear you dont agree with it. You cant have it both ways.

They should be lit up and they can do it for less than a tenner. If they dont get fined they will not be bothered to get lights.

It is not a "Stealth" tax. It has been a well publiced law for donkeys years, that you should have lights on bikes during the hours of darkness. Its no secret. Its just that some people cannot be arsxd to buy them and fit them.

Hard luck to them if they get caught is my opinion.


London, UK
Did I miss something? Has the law changed? I sincerely hope not.

About time you learnt what the law says.

If I got fined for having no hi-vis (ditto helmet, the law regarding which you seem to be equally misinformed about) I'd take it to the Supreme Court, never mind the frigging chin.

There's no law regarding hi-vis unless you work on a construction site or in an environment that has a lot of moving vehicles, such as a loading bay or traffic warden etc etc (but i have seen traffic wardens without hi-vis)

I said hi-vis as a loose term for reflectors. policy/regulations states that you have to have reflectors on your bike with lights at night but the reflectors thing is something that is quite often ignored by most cyclists - So long as they have hi-vis and lights, there is no need for reflectors.


I got reflectors on my wheels and thats about it. Some people dont have any at all.
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