
  1. Steady

    Close to Home, Notts cyclist killed, driver convicted

    This one is a little close to home for me, her family comes from Derby and so do I, but the incident happened in Nottingham and she became a victim of a left turning lorry and lost her life instantly, it's just been through the court system and the facts that he was convincted on are that he...
  2. MrGrumpy

    Cyclist down South Gyle Business Park Just got wind of this, this is on my route but never cycled this morning so was not aware.
  3. G

    Cyclist down - hit & run Stirlingshire, Crow Rd A822

    The cyclist was hit three days ago and left for dead. After an appeal, it appears the driver has handed himself in. "The vehicle involved in the collision is likely to have sustained some exterior damage and so anyone who notices some new dents or marks on the car of a family member, friend...
  4. G3CWI

    Cyclist hits car - or car hits cyclist?

    From our local rag's web page: "A cyclist was injured during a collision with a car. A 59-year-old man was crossing the roundabout joining the Silk Road and Bollington Road in Macclesfield when he collided with a black Mercedes at 8am this morning (Wednesday, September 14)." The way this has...
  5. G

    Persistent offender killed cyclist while driving & texting

    This cyclist's killer had eight previous convictions, all for using a phone while driving yet was allowed to keep his licence. Only six weeks after pleading that loss of his licence would be an exceptional hardship, he did it again and killed Lee Martin...
  6. PaulB

    Cyclist killed in Bacup yesterday Just read this and felt numb. I know that road and have cycled on it myself so feel this one on a personal level.
  7. Accy cyclist

    Knocked off my bike by another cyclist

    I've just made it home after being knocked off my bike. It happened this morning just as we were about to set off on our Wednesday run. Another of the group wobbled then fell to his right. I was passing him at the time, i didn't have time to react(i was clipped in)so i went down on my right hip...
  8. mad despot

    Woman admits A32 Wickham cyclist death Just 60 hours of community work...
  9. T

    £200-£300 Hybrid for Older New Cyclist

    Looking to buy a bike for a friend who's looking to get some exercise around his local area. He's in early 70s and just looking for something that will get him along cycle paths and odd flat woodland trail. Something relatively low maintenance would be good. Doesn't need many gears. Wont be...
  10. Big Dave laaa

    Ridiculous Cyclist sun tan

    How is the sunny weather treating everyone? My Mrs just pointed out to me that I have the most ridiculous suntan ever. White hands, extremely brown forearms and lower legs a white body and totally sun tanned head and neck apart from where my shades have been. Going on holiday Monday...
  11. S

    Another local cyclist down

    Driver failed to stop for police but now in custody,
  12. Sixmile

    Cyclist Killed - Belfast to Bangor road

    So sad to read of this today. This is a busy dual line road with little provision for cyclists in the most part yet is very popular with cyclists heading to the coast from Belfast. The speed limit varies between 40 and 50mph but this means little to most motorists that use the road. The road...
  13. S

    Another local cyclist down R.I.P
  14. M

    Carol Boardman

    Chris Boardman's mum has died after being hit by a car whilst out cycling I hope @deptfordmarmoset doesn't mind me reposting this here:
  15. S

    Cyclist ‘nearly decapitated, Stretford There's some f#cking idiots about!!!
  16. J

    Cyclist down in Manchester..hit and run
  17. Racing roadkill

    Cyclist down ( again ) This one's a bit more shocking ( for me ) I read this, in the local rag, the other day. This morning I got back into work, having taken yesterday off, and a guy who I work with, and is always on time, wasn't here. Unfortunately, it seems that he was the...
  18. classic33

    Two-and-a-half years in prison for killing cyclist.

    Man disqualified from driving jailed for killing cyclist "A 27-year-old man who knocked down and killed a cyclist in Dublin last year while he was banned from driving has been sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison. Christopher Coleman from Reuben Street in Dublin pleaded guilty to...
  19. Gixxerman

    Car drivers threatens cyclist with baseball bat

    Even though the car driver is clearly in the wrong, and nearly knocks a guy off his bike, he feels it approriate to threaten the cyclist with a baseball bat. Ok the cyclist should not have kicked his car, but given the recklessness of the manoeuvre, and how close he was to being knocked off, I...
  20. steveindenmark

    5 cyclist killed in the USA

    I think this is going to be down to either drink or drugs on the part of the driver. What a nightmare.
  21. A

    Can / SHOULD we fine cyclists for riding no handed? £5000 fine - seems low!!

    Filed under CAN there be a law to actually prosecute DM, local rag muppets and all motorists who speed, cut up cyclists, don't indicate, use their lights and use their phones when driving...
  22. G

    Cyclist down - Harehills, Leeds A woman cyclist seriously injured. Innocuous looking junction - but it's a nasty.
  23. B

    Must Past Cyclist

    When I think I have seen it all, today I was totally puzzled. Large queue of traffic ahead moving about 10-15mph. I join that queue matching the speed of the traffic being there is no room to filter safely (my avg on that road up to that point being 21mph). Behind me a car joins, matching the...
  24. L

    Cyclist down (minicab) Unfortunately.Hope you recover. I've had both recently.Twattish minicab driver @ Westminster yesterday doing a really poor bit of reversing to get into the right lane and...
  25. Pale Rider

    Cyclist killed in lorry collision

    Oh dear, another female cyclist has died following a collision with a lorry. There's no good news here, but it's worth pointing out the number of deaths in Greater London has declined dramatically. I think this is the first death in the Greater London area for about 11 months, or it may be the...
  26. numbnuts

    Cyclist dies one month after hit and run

    By now the driver is long gone, but they have the Reg BU53 FVM, but who was driving it ??
  27. s7ephanie

    must be a good cyclist

    That I saw today, he was dressed head to toe in a powder blue lycra outfit x Who here wears anything similar, or would you wear it. Even if wouldn't and I'm a girlie girl :girldance:
  28. jhawk

    An Interview with RTW Cyclist & Cancer Survivor, Derek Boocock.

    Hi all, I've posted about Derek's story before, but I can finally divulge my article that I wrote about him in Vancouver's Momentum Mag! HERE is the link. Have a read! Enjoy! :) Jack. PS: As always, questions, comments and critique are welcome.
  29. Blue Hills

    Cyclist down - Whalley Came across by total chance. Cyclist from Clitheroe apparently. Anyone know them?
  30. Racing roadkill

    Cyclist down in Southampton ( again) Another cyclist crushed by a lorry, on my commute route. The cyclist died last night.
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