
  1. Trickedem

    Driverless Nissan nearly takes out cyclist

    Clearly something wrong with Nissan driverless car trials. They should be taken off the road until they sort this out.
  2. steveindenmark

    Mersey Island cyclist

    51 seconds into the video. Is anyone putting their hands up for this one :bicycle:
  3. Joffey

    Cyclist branded 'stupid'

    Cyclist branded 'stupid' after he was filmed riding down Osborne Road with no helmet and no hands: Now this lad looks like a scrote and he certainly should't be ridding down the road with no hands but...
  4. U

    Woman cyclist gets her own back ...

  5. helston90

    Cyclist down: SMIDSY Cornwall, me :(

    Happily cycling to work today 2 cars patiently waited to come around parked cars towards me, unfortunately car number 3 decided to turn off to his right and cut right across my path: no where for me to go. Scrubbed off as much speed as possible but locked up in greasy wetness and smack...
  6. numbnuts

    Cyclist killed New Forest this time

    Happened 2nd December, but died on Tuesday this week RIP
  7. ozboz

    Third Cyclist killed in London this week

    More horrific news , he was wearing PPe , no mention of lights, The victim in his 30s was dragged at least 20 yards beneath the lorry’s wheels before the driver was alerted by oncoming motorists to the mountain bike tangled in his front wheel, witnesses said. A passing bus driver pulled up and...
  8. Gixxerman

    Daily Fail stiring up cyclist hate yet again.

    Very poorly researched and biased click bait atricle that will give the Daily Fail regulars and good old moan. Contains the usual comments about red lights and road tax. Dissapointing to see that even the "jouranalist" (I use that word in the loosest possible way) thinks that we pay road tax...
  9. D

    Windsor Cyclist Death

    My neck of the woods, RIP Mr Downling
  10. GuyBoden

    The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist by Arthur Conan Doyle

    The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist by Arthur Conan Doyle
  11. Slick

    Female Cyclist Record Breaker.

    Apologies if this has been done. I tried a search and couldnt find anything. I thought it was some achievement, but predict like the guy who ran all the marathons consecutively, she will struggle to just go back to work next week.
  12. Accy cyclist

    Nearly slayed by a cyclist
  13. G

    Another cyclist fatality in Leeds Heartfelt condolences to family and friends.
  14. Slick

    Another Cyclist Down on the A82.

    I got a couple of strange reactions at work about this one. It's the second one in just a few short months. Do you think you have to be a cyclist to...
  15. B

    Turning left across cycle lane

    If as a driver, you're going to move into a left filter lane, and you see a cyclist not too far behind you in your passenger door mirror, what would you do? The filter lane is to the left of the cycle lane, so you must cut across it. Today, I (driver) put my indicator on and slowed right down...
  16. Biff600

    Transport Secretary takes out cyclist
  17. G

    Chris Grayling doors a cyclist

    Remember this headline? "Cycle lanes cause problems for road users, says Transport Secretary" Well look at him now .... . Yup, that's the man who said "cyclists ignore red...
  18. J

    flaw in steerer tube kills cyclist

    this is bad.
  19. DCLane

    Cyclist down: Leeds

    Rider injured this morning and critical - collison with / hit by a car travelling the same direction:
  20. night cycler

    Leeds cyclist killed-2 occupants from car arrested.

    The report states one car over-turned, shops damaged. News report here.
  21. G

    Cyclist down on my commute home

    I watched the poor sod get bulldozed by the driver of a car last night at a crossroads on the way home. Driver had clearly ignored/failed to see give way signs and markings and T-boned the rider (on the main road) hard from the left, firing the bike across the road and putting the rider up...
  22. D

    Hug a cyclist day, apparently

    This certainly looks like fun
  23. G

    Driver convicted of fatal dooring of cyclist

    Last May a pensioner was killed after being doored by a taxi driver on Keppchhil Road in Glasgow. He was thrown from his bike and later died from his severe head injuries. His killer has now felt the full force of our justice system and been fined £400. You get more for being a middle lane...
  24. mjr

    Cyclist Down: Bawsey bumps, Norfolk and they appeal for anyone on that road around 0630 today to contact them. and...
  25. steve292

    Bus driver barges cyclist out of the way I've just seen this on Apologies if its already up as a thread. It's unclear to me if the bus actually hit the cyclist, or if the cyclist was already at the junction. either way it's an awful...
  26. marshmella

    Cyclist fined 10 shillings...

    ...for cycling at night without a rear November 1943! Just been sorting mums loft and come across old newspapers and this was one article that caught my eye. That must have been half a weeks wages or something
  27. captain nemo1701

    Bristol Post cyclist quiz

    If you live here, you'll know that the local Daily Mail owned rag loves to demonise us. But recently, they seem to be producing more balanced articles and have even acknowledged that drivers can break the law by using the pavement as a free car park and inconveniencing pedestrians, wheelchair...
  28. snorri

    Older cyclist research video.

    A video following research into cycling for the older cyclist. View:
  29. cosmicbike

    Trigger Happy - Angry Cyclist

    If you haven't seen it yet, quite entertaining, for what it is...
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