
  1. jefmcg

    Vehicles tooting just before passing a cyclist

    I hate it. No matter how friendly the tone of the toot, it seems assertive if not aggressive. I only use my bell on bicycle** paths when I require action from pedestrians. If I am able to pass them with a wide berth, then I will do so without disturbing them, or maybe a nod or a "good...
  2. snorri

    Cyclist disobedience in Netherlands

    Interesting views on non-compliance with the "rules".^_^. View:
  3. captain nemo1701

    Cyclist & driver road rage in Bristol...punches thrown

    This happened yesterday near where I work: Sorry, embedding doesn't seem to work. The car in front masks a lot of it. What do you all think?. The street the car emerged from is a slope...
  4. Drago

    Motorway Cyclist

    Can't believe he's only 52! The statement he made in his own defence was hardly the best either.
  5. GuyBoden

    1955 Cyclists BFI Film

    1955 BFI Film about cycling. Very enjoyable.
  6. Banjo

    Should I respond to anti cyclist rant letter in our local paper.

    Theres a really negative anti cyclist rant in a letter to the editor of our local rag. The letter written by a certain Karl James Langford who claims to be a "Liberal Party Parliamentary Spokesman" contains some very doubtfull statements and out an out inaccuracies . He claims foul mouthed...
  7. D

    Cyclist Down A650 Tingley Common

    An 8 year old boy has been knocked down by & seriously injured on the A650 Bradford Rd near Capitol Park Tingley Common, close to Morley, Leeds, Police are appealing for witnesses, apparently he was crossing the dual carriage way on the pedestrian crossing, when he was struck by an Hyundai car...
  8. U

    White van driver knocks cyclist off, blames cyclist

  9. RoubaixCube

    Another cyclist down :(

    fortunately it wasnt me, but it was bad enough that the police had cordoned off part of upper street in Angel Islington. I swung around to have a look and i saw an MTB crushed under the wheels of a HGV on the left side (blind side) Not too sure what happened exactly but I asked the copper if...
  10. s7ephanie

    Are you a lone rider or group cyclist

    Out yesterday i stopped to let a leading car followed by loads of riders, some said join in !! (said in fun) I prefer to cycle alone, that way i can take unkown roads and explore, whats the fun in following a crowd? Besides I'm slow and take plenty of sight seeing stops. hats your prefence?
  11. Welsh wheels

    Another cyclist killed on a TT Desperately sad. That's the second cyclist to be killed on a TT this month.
  12. G

    Lorry driver who finished his delivery run after killing cyclist cleared of careless driving Jurors were told the defendant had told officers he had been passing when a cyclist had been hit by a car, and that he left the scene as he felt there was "nothing he could do". On his arrest, he said he had heard a "cry or scream" and...
  13. ColinJ

    How do I unhide Cyclist Down?

    I normally have the Cyclist Down forum hidden because I find it depressing, but a friend of mine is 'down' and has asked me for advice so I thought that I would go and take a look at the forum. The thing is, I can't see how to unhide it! Perhaps I am particularly stupid today (:whistle:) but I...
  14. Arjimlad

    Cyclist puts the brakes on careless caravan driver. I think this is rather good, but if the driver wasn't told of his poor & dangerous driving, somewhat pointless. At least if you open the back door of a car to tell the driver to...
  15. Venod

    Cyclist needs to make complaint, do you know him?

    This may have been posted but it needs all the publicity it can get, someone in red car throws bottle at cyclist.
  16. cosmicbike

    Cyclist Down - Weybridge, Surrey. RIP

    Close to home this one:sad:
  17. captain nemo1701

    BP video: Cyclist in the wrong? Sorry, BP doesn't like embedding. I noted a few points about this: Cyclist is already on roundabout, with Hi Viz and visible rear light. Can't see front light. Driver appears to be going a bit quick -...
  18. P

    Cyclist auditions for Darwin award

  19. sarahale

    Saw a cyclist hit a lorry today.

    He pulled out as the lorry was passing so smacked straight into the side and then went flying. 71 years old and by the looks of things was very lucky with just a knock to the head and hand injury, I just kept him talking whilst waiting for help and he seemed very with it so hopefully his head...
  20. Gixxerman

    Woman deliberately rams cyclist off road into tree - Gets 3 years

    Story from the Lincolnshire echo (with CCTV video attached). Utterly shocking and 100% deliberate. Certainly deserves the 3 year sentence. Seems she was on the phone (but...
  21. classic33

    Suspended sentence for driver as cyclist left unable to speak or walk

    Robert Faherty (63) driving without headlights when Grainne Duncan’s bike hit car A man whose careless driving left a cyclist without the ability to speak, walk or hear has been given a suspended sentence of nine months’ imprisonment. Robert Faherty (63) was driving without headlights when...
  22. richie244

    What do you call a person on a bike thats, well not a "cyclist"?

    I feer I may be being kind of a snob and disassociate myself from said people. Let me elaborate. When I say I cycle I go out on my bike abide by the rules and laws of the road and etc etc. weather I am out on a 5km Hamer down, 100km sportive or a commute. The "person on a bike" I refer to...
  23. D

    Anyone struck a cyclist while driving?

    Anyone struck a cyclist while driving? I have. Not a pleasant experience for anyone. About 10 years ago, I was driving through a university campus late at night, at about 20mph. A cyclist was ahead of me at about 10mph and I went to overtake. No other traffic, no turnings, junctions, or dropped...
  24. IBarrett

    Oncoming cyclist - pass which side

    Its driving me nuts. Is there an international rule we are following? We drive on the left, so we pass on the left surely? About half of the cyclists I see coming toward me on my 12mile commute want to force themselves down my left hand side, which to me - as a car driver - means we are passing...
  25. Welsh wheels

    Different types of cyclist Which one are you? I think I am an accumulator of miles. I have been known to record 0.5 miles on Strava.
  26. TwickenhamCyclist

    Cyclist wanted after stealing keys from car ignition in Hove

    Quote: A CYCLIST stole the keys out of the ignition of a Mercedes following an disagreement with its driver. The male driver of the Mercedes called police shortly before 12.45pm on Monday, April 3 near to the junction of Cromwell Road and The Drive in Hove following an exchange of words with a...
  27. GuyBoden

    Do you think this Manchester Cyclist is being overly assertive?

    Do you think this Manchester Cyclist is being overly assertive? (Background "Sporting Moments" by Mike Sweeney)
  28. TwickenhamCyclist

    Cyclist stopped by police officer over disagreement on road positioning (video)

    All very polite but I think the policeman didn't really have a clue... Any thoughts?
  29. Accy cyclist

    Policeman pulls cyclist over with flashing blue lights and tells him give a bit more space I don't know it it's been posted before. Obviously plod hadn't heard of cyclists riding in a primary position to stop idiots like himself from attempting a dangerous overtake.
  30. G

    Cyclist down - Sky News presenter

    Hit-and-run. On the phone. "On an empty road in north London a guy in a car on a mobile phone pulled out from the side of the road without indicating. I swerved that. But a millisecond later he u-turned into me and wiped me out."
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