Zwift Chat

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is there anyway you can filter results so you can just see team ?been playing about and i cant find it - though found out in live results the figures are different to the normal results
I've just this minute figured it out.....
1. Go to the 'Team' option at the top
2. Select the 'Rides' tab (by default it chooses 'Race' so the NYC rides wouldn't show otherwise)


I noticed that with a bit of comcerted effort i was able to bridge across to other groups. The draft felt better, with not having to work so hard to stay in a pack. Maybe it was juzt this race, I suppose Ill get a better feel over the next few races


Wife came back from the taking one of our dogs to the vets, she walked past me and i could tell from the look on her face it wasn't good news so had to quit.
Shame really as i was really enjoying that and could see you up the road and tantalising close on the climbs.

Hope the news isn't too bad. We're waiting for our dog to take a turn for the worse, she is 16, had a stroke three years ago, deaf, partially blind and I'm sure she's got some sort of doggy dementia and she just stands and looks at the wall for ages. It's quite sad but she seems happy.
Yes, that was just a recovery ride .... honest :whistle:

I probably had a bit more in the legs, but I certainly wasn't taking it easy. Didn't know where you was though so had to keep the power on incase you jumped me on the final descent. Didn't know where @bert1971 was either. I worked hard to stay in the group I was in so I had help to keep the speed high.
I saw glimpses of you leading up to the climbs but you pulled away at about halfway up each time. Last lap I didn’t have anything left to try and chase :blush:
Few lbs to loose befor I can chase up climbs :okay:


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I am regreting racing now. Mrs B thinks I am bloody stupid. I suppose occasional hacking coughing doesn’t help soften her opinion :rolleyes: Not even GBBO helped her mood. It’s going to be a long evening :biggrin:


@Marino.g - i see you was riding too tonight - join the CycleChat team in ZwiftPower too so we can see your rides with the rest of us :okay:
Hi Karl long time no chat.
It would be good to get back into it as you've all improved massively and I've stood still.
Have you any level D members to keep me company in the Cyclechat Team.
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Well, I'm likely off the trainer for a while... I've likely got kidney cancer (stage1 T1N0M0). I've known about the mass on my kidney for a few years, but it's doubled in size over the last few years and more detailed imaging taken earlier this week makes it look more and more like cancer. The ER docs insisted on setting up the consult with the oncologist before discharge when I had the most recent PE. I didn't expect it to result in anything... But, well, that's not the case.

So I'm likely heading in for surgery soon. The good news is the docs don't see any evidence it's spread, it's still reasonably small and it's in a reasonably good location. So they can go in and just remove the tumor leaving everything else alone. Figure a few weeks of recovery post-surgery before I can ride at all.
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