Zwift Chat

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Very bummed out about gcn plus ending in a couple of days. Any decent replacements? Eurosport?


Alex , with your YouTube channel, you should get sponsorship. Cracking job getting your head around all the settings.

I will need to ask you how to get those lap segments and gradients you have on Sauce. I had to delete Sauce and re install because it was locked in update loop. It seems to working now with basic settings

I figured out how to put WB on the screen 😅


Alex , with your YouTube channel, you should get sponsorship. Cracking job getting your head around all the settings.
Thanks ^_^
I will need to ask you how to get those lap segments and gradients you have on Sauce. I had to delete Sauce and re install because it was locked in update loop. It seems to working now with basic settings

I figured out how to put WB on the screen 😅

Yeah the documentation for Sauce is pretty crap - i.e. there really isn't any at all.
The main reason for that, I think is that everything changes so fast. (And programmers aren't the right people to do documentation in general - too close to it.)

Which part did you want help with? A couple of tips. In the top bar, when the bar is selected you can make the font bigger with CTRL + (CMD + on Mac)
You can also drag the corners and edges of this bar to resize it. And you can move it.
If you click on an item in the bar it will advance to the next metric. Left and right arrows (cursor keys) take you forward and back through the list (that's how I found the gradient). You can also edit this bar to change the number of items in it. I believe it's called "overview" in the settings.

If it's the elevation profile at the bottom you want, probably best if I make a little video showing how to do that as I can't remember all the steps off the top of my head. It isn't hard, but it's fairly well hidden if you don't know where to look :eek:

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usually riding on Zwift...
Sadly not - the eggs are earmarked for the boys’ dinner (I’m out to work Christmas party shortly, which is going to be yet another sin I must make amends for…)

Oh 5hit, got back home at 2:05 - even though I was Des, I’m feeling rougher than a badger’s ar5e this morning. May be able to get a little bit of Z2 in tonight after the lads have gone to bed, but not a 2- or 3-hour mega-ride…


My mornings event Castle to Castle

I was very likely I would be dropped on the only major climb upto the village, so it was. I had the option to sit back and let 5 riders catch me or chase down a lone rider 20s ahead . I went for the latter. Caught him, then sat on his wheel all the way to the finish. He tried a couple of times to gap me , I was having none of it.

Video starts at his first real attempt to get away



Here you are @CXRAndy ...


I was fumbling around looking for it, but I edited that part out :laugh:

That's cool, I will try that out this week :okay:
Had a bit of a close encounter today on my outdoor 50 miler.

I was approaching a right hand turn off the main road I was on into a smaller road. A guy was at the junction of the smaller road also turning right.

I turned past him and and I did so, he started pulling out. I gave him a very loud set of expletives as he was clearly going to hit me. I was waiting for the impact, which came but luckily not very hard - he nudged my rear wheel but I managed to stay upright. As I began to give him a real talking to he wound the window down and was extremely apologetic - saying he just hadn't seen me. My anger dropped as he seemed sincere so I said ok mate and carried on my way.

Can't see any damage so all good.

When I've seen you in real life you have a bit of a "badass" look about you. He was probably more scared than you. You probably could have demanded his wallet and he would have given it up.


** Full Time Pro **
For those of you that use Zwift Sauce did you find it impacted on your Zwift framerate / connection?

I’ve just signed up and had Sauce running on a cycle yesterday and have to say it definitely hit my laptops performance - screen jumping a bit plus rider avatar’s body disappearing (just the helmet and bike left!). Turning off the sauce brought performance back to normal.

It's a bit disappointing as it looks cool but I won’t be investing in a new laptop to make up for it. My laptop is at the lower end of the price point but only a year old and the picture as displayed in 45 inch TV was impressive compared to Apple TV.


** Full Time Pro **
Had a bit of a close encounter today on my outdoor 50 miler.

I was approaching a right hand turn off the main road I was on into a smaller road. A guy was at the junction of the smaller road also turning right.

I turned past him and and I did so, he started pulling out. I gave him a very loud set of expletives as he was clearly going to hit me. I was waiting for the impact, which came but luckily not very hard - he nudged my rear wheel but I managed to stay upright. As I began to give him a real talking to he wound the window down and was extremely apologetic - saying he just hadn't seen me. My anger dropped as he seemed sincere so I said ok mate and carried on my way.

Can't see any damage so all good.

I had a handful of run ins this year, a couple of which I shared with the police. If quite used to close passes now which in itself is a sad state of affairs but a couple stood out as being out and out dangerous. I also had this one (YouTube link) when a guy completely went for me and he eventually stopped and we had a “chat”. In the end I didn’t report as the guy apologised (possibly after seeing the camera).


For those of you that use Zwift Sauce did you find it impacted on your Zwift framerate / connection?
No but I'm using a new M3 Macbook Pro, so fairly high-end.
Sauce does need some decent processing power though, so if your laptop was just about good enough for Zwift it might not handle both quite as well. I didn't buy the MBP for Zwift, it just happens to be time to replace my 9.5-year-old one.

I’ve just signed up and had Sauce running on a cycle yesterday and have to say it definitely hit my laptops performance - screen jumping a bit plus rider avatar’s body disappearing (just the helmet and bike left!). Turning off the sauce brought performance back to normal.

It's a bit disappointing as it looks cool but I won’t be investing in a new laptop to make up for it. My laptop is at the lower end of the price point but only a year old and the picture as displayed in 45 inch TV was impressive compared to Apple TV.
It is also possible to run sauce on another device and view output either on that device or on a tablet/phone etc.


For those of you that use Zwift Sauce did you find it impacted on your Zwift framerate / connection?

I’ve just signed up and had Sauce running on a cycle yesterday and have to say it definitely hit my laptops performance - screen jumping a bit plus rider avatar’s body disappearing (just the helmet and bike left!). Turning off the sauce brought performance back to normal.

It's a bit disappointing as it looks cool but I won’t be investing in a new laptop to make up for it. My laptop is at the lower end of the price point but only a year old and the picture as displayed in 45 inch TV was impressive compared to Apple TV.

Not had any problems with Zwift graphics from using Sauce . My NUC PC is I think an i5 from 2018 . It has onboard graphics, no flashy super-duper graphics card.

I can run 1080p which is fine on my 65" TV.

I mainly use Sauce for draft, but Alex has shown me some extra features which I think are great. Sort of combining the good bits from Bkool into Zwift


Not had any problems with Zwift graphics from using Sauce . My NUC PC is I think an i5 from 2018 . It has onboard graphics, no flashy super-duper graphics card.

I can run 1080p which is fine on my 65" TV.

I mainly use Sauce for draft, but Alex has shown me some extra features which I think are great. Sort of combining the good bits from Bkool into Zwift

In a race, I think the groups feature is excellent. It shows you more accurate time gaps than native Zwift.
Having an elevation profile is also cool.
Some guys are working on mods to show segments on the elevation profile too. You could spend all day playing with it and some people seem to. It really would be nice if Zwift were to just incorporate some of this stuff in the game though.
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