Bit of clarification about when the clock starts for the wtrl ttts;
Update: Confirmed per WTRL that crossing the concrete pillars at the front of the pen is the start line.
(see picture for reference)
4.2.1.b Clarification Request from the smarter people in the room: TTT are often decided by seconds, and thus, where Zwift plants you in the Pen, may result in the 2-3-4 seconds difference in timing (thinking start line vs back of the pen).
Question: For the accuracy of leaving the pen, is it crossing under the banner before your designated start time delay that will get flagged? Is it moving at all? Is there a start line outside the Pen's that is the official line?
4.2.1.b reference:
Start Delays; Teams must always comply to their start time. WTRL is now MILLISECOND accurate for teams leaving the pen. Any team leaving early will incur a minimum 30 second penalty on top of any time correction.