There is always the Shimano Dura-Ace 9100 crankset with integrated Power meters ... Very accurate and reliable, you can then fit your favoured pedals.
A steal at £1200

I have Garmin Vector 3's ... They were great until the batteries ran out, once I changed them I suffered power spikes drop outs, missing RH pedal etc etc. I changed to a C1/3N battery which is supposed to be better, but not really a lot of difference, so more or less gave up on them last may

I had an email from Garmin telling me that they have redesigned the pedal covers and battery board and we're sending them out FOC to registered owners. True enough they arrived this week, and were fitted. The pedals have behaved flawlessly since, I know Bob has issues with the power readings, but mine agree with my Neo within 2-3 watts. I suspect the dodgy power readings were another symptom of the faulty battery covers.
Anyway, I'm off to make an attempt on the Uber Pretzel, I'll be on Zwift for the next 4 or 5 hours if anyone wants to laugh at me

I'll be riding in Z2 for flats and downs, and z3 orZ4 for the ups. Hopefully I'll do more than the 70Km I completed the last time I tried it.