The power is still out here, looks as though it will be about 4pm before they can restore it,
Managed to get a ride as I remembered the Neo doesn’t need power, so I turned on 4g and hotspot on the phone and put Zwift on the iPad mini (which I use for the companion app) and away we go. But no fans running
London pretzel route completed😀
Must remember to turn of road feel in the settings on Zwift first because as I hit the tunnel towards fox/box hill the Neo started to vibrate like mad and I thought it was broken till I remembered the road feel and secondly, I use a car detailing towel to wipe my face when on the trainer, it yellow on one side and grey on the other, Yellow for sweat ,gray for snot, I must make sure I wipe with the correct coloured side with this cold as I was covered in snot and sweat when I wiped with the gray side😀😀🤧🤧