So just done that Ride With G thing and it tells me that my FTP has gone from 198 to 207.
You chaps seem to know a lot about training and stuff - that's a difference of 2 weeks - should I expect to see that figure keep rising as I ride more and when would it plateau? How much should it be increasing? I presume when it does I would need to start some specific training to increase it?
Anyhow, pretty chuffed to have increased it in 2 weeks. Gives me a bit more motivation going into S4 of the TdZ.
Well done on the FTP increase
In answer to your question it's different for everyone individually really. My experience going back a few years was some really big improvements initially - which I tended to find came in sudden leaps rather than smoothly actually - but your improvements will inevitably slow down or stop at some point.
Personally I've never done a training plan at all and only a handful of workouts on Zwift ever. I've only ever done the evening races on zwift (on Bkool before that) and then outdoor road or mountain bike rides when I can - but no specific "plan" or training. There's lots of people I know who have had big fitness gains and trained very succesfully for big real world cycling events just doing races on Zwift/Bkool and not much else. Others do enjoy and feel they get something out of the structured training plans though - I've nothing against them I've just never felt motivated to do them, but i'm not ruling it out. I find racing motivates me to push myself harder than anything else which is why I think it has been good for me.
I'd say do whatever you enjoy, and what motivates you most to keep exercising, whether that's racing, workouts, doing training plans - or a mix of all.