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Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
I received some post for me that had the misspelling of my surname as Austin, and the first name of Steve(which is nothing like my first name) many years ago.
I used to love the Six Million Dollar man so it must be fated that i am Steve Austin ;)
When I signed up with C+ there were dozens of Daves and Davids, so I decided to use the name all my Aussie mates called me (apart from Pommie W@nker) over the years, either in England, Australia, travelling, and now here in Stockholm.
It's easy and simple; just like me! ;)
When I finished my forestry apprenticeship I took off and travelled (all over the uk to start with), mostly working in civil engineering, building and road construction. At that time (in those sort of jobs) nicknames were endemic, and as I was plainly from Yorkshire I became either Yorky or Yorkshireman ...


New Member
Mine came from an early American MTB called a Fuzzy Duck. This just got shortened to use as a log in. My birthday is on the 29th, hence the 29.


Well-Known Member
Cos when it's googled I'm the only one!


New Member
umm, the forummers who know me IRL could probably give all sorts of interesting sounding explainations for my name choice.
The Simpsons- Lisa goes to pet shop and asks for the most intelligent hamster they have as she wants to compare its intelligence with Bart's. The pet shop owner grabs a random hamster and tells her it writes mystery novels under a pseudonym- which happens to be my real name!

Lisa: How can he write mysteries?
Pet shop owner: He starts at the end and works backwards.

And the hamster was cleverer than Bart.
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