For slightly obvious reasons, I haven't posted anything here for the last 2 months, at least not ride related anyway... but I know a number of you have been following my progress on strava and helping me stay motivated with my physio and as threatened
in another post, I thought that I might write up this morning's physio walk!
Santa somehow managed to deliver me a Sony Smartband Talk SWR30 overnight - a seriously good challenge because we don't have a chimney.... It reckons this was 290 steps! I may have to count them this evening and recalibrate it - sadly it does not talk to Strava or my smartphone, but does communicate with my tablet! Also sadly, no coffee and cakes were involved, no mince pies either and I will apologise now for the photos
@potsy and
@User14044 I may have found someone to challenge your photography skills... the camera was in the hands of my husband and even with some tactful hints....
So the start time was a precise 10:36 today (usually a 06:36 start but someone was allowed a lie in today and it wasn't me!

)... the crutches sprint race that happens twice daily in these parts, though usually in the dark for reasons best not covered... the early race leader seemed to be the weather, but I did make it to the 'tunnel' prior to a brief but heavy hailstorm... Out of the tunnel for the very first time since the operation 2 weeks ago made for a pleasant change and it caught the weather and the photographer off guard... then for the planned U turn - this is a complicated manoeuvre which has to be executed from a certain angle and must be a left hand turn otherwise disqualification is inevitable and tumbles guaranteed

. Then for the slight uphill incline, back into the tunnel before the final push (again uphill) towards the pond where 5 of the 6 goldfish remain alive, a left turn prior to the pond ensures the shortest path to the front door (cunningly hidden behind the tree in the last photo) and it is a photo finish across finish line, well it would have been if the photographer had not been more interested in the pile of hailstones in the guttering. Time 10:51... and the next round of torrential rain commences. The final hurdle for the day is the stair case...

repeat later in the dark! I may have just made 100m for the sprint!
I hope the
threat was worth it! Done twice a day, each day extending by a metre or so. It's about half what I could do before the op, but I'm getting there.