I had a lovely if painful ride out yesterday. I had entered a number of events as prep for an attempt at the Chase The Sun coast to coast ride at the end of June but injury ruined my training and put paid to that for this year. In the last month or two I've only managed a couple of ~30 mile rides and a ~60 miler so when I remembered the 102 mile sportive I'd entered was approaching I wasn't overly optimisitic

I decided last week to have a go anyway just for the challenge and prepped the bike ready for it, knowing I'd left it far too late to bother trying to prep myself

With MrsBssll on standby for rescue services I loaded the van up and set off to the start of the Ride Suffolk Sunrise sportive in Framlingham. Its a well organised event with around 800 riders partcipating this year over three distances; 42, 62 or 102 miles. The route was undulating with no particularly big climbs but plenty of small ones - Suffolk isn't as flat as they'd have you believe /styles/default/xenforo/smls/laugh.gif
The weather started overcast but warm so off I set in shorts and short sleeves

After the first 15 to 20 miles I was pleased to find my legs were feeling pretty good and I arrived at the first food stop feeling quite positive, but knowing that with 22 miles done and potentially 80 still to do there was a lot of work ahead. I stocked up on Haribo and fig rolls and off I went again 😄 The next rest stop was at 56 miles so it was a decent distance between breaks, and I knew I'd have to pass the first route split fairly soon without bottling it

As I approached the split the weather made this decision even more tempting as it started to rain, the wind picked up and the temperature dipped but I could see a break in the clouds and pushed on. I knew once I was passed this early split I was pretty much comitted to the full route as I'd have been annoyed to get back to the van having done 62 miles and feeling I could have gone further so I'd now have to finish or be rescued from where I dropped
Whilst there were several hundred other people out on the same route it never actually felt like it - partly because I'd started slightly after the main pack, and partly because I was pretty slow - but there were never more than 2 or 3 other riders in view for longer than a few minutes at a time. This gave me plenty of opportunity to enjoy the beautiful Suffolk scenery, and also meant I could swear in private when my legs started cramping at mile 50

Fortunately it was only very mild cramp and I managed to get to the next food stop and take on plenty more fluids and Haribo, unfortunately no fig rolls at this location so I made do with some Wotsits and custard creams
And so onwards again after a short but much needed break. Unfortunately the cramp didn't hold off for long. By mile 70 I was having to really control my pedal strokes as both legs were teetering on the brink but I managed to make it to the final food stop at mile 82. Here I took the opportunity to take a longer break, hanging around for 20 minutes or so to refuel and walk around on the grass in my socks to stop my feet from aching quite so much! Once on my way I was pleased to find my legs feeling stronger again so I pushed on through the 90's and finally past 100... The last two miles required to finish the route were probably the hardest of the lot as I'd done what I set out to do but still needed to get back to the van to get home and had very little left to give - in fact my legs still haven't forgiven me for it
My average speed wasn't great, and I'll probably be feeling the effects for a week, but overall I'm thrilled to have finished. Next time I'll definitely put in a bit more prep