Two more rides from Northumberland.
With just an hour or so on Wednesday afternoon, I worked out a suitable loop on Google maps, then set off to put it into action.
You'll be pleased to hear that the weather on Wednesday was near perfect for an hour or so ride through the rolling countryside, after Tuesdays grottiness.
Up Harbour Road in Beadnell to the Bull Ring, turning left onto the B1340 and heading out of the village and starting to climb up that straight drag, past the bike hire place and a left towards East Fleetham at the crossroads just before Swinhoe.
This really is a lovely little lane, gently rising and falling, with sweeping left and rights and eventually you arrive at a junction and straight on puts you on NCN R1 heading north. Shortly the main route curves off to the right, but I stayed straight on, going onto a more minor lane and carrying on through lovely countryside.
At the next junction I turned right and after a few hundred yards took the next left, back on to NCN R1, still heading north towards Bamburgh.
I know there have ben a lot of comments about the poor state of NCN R1, especially slightly further north where it seems to become a muddy field track, but even here on metalled roads the surface was terrible in places, forcing me to cycle either on the crown of the road, or on several occasions right over on the wrong side of the road to avoid the worst of it. Fortunately there was virtually no traffic so it wasn't a huge problem but is this really what should be expected on the flagship NCN route? It might be better on a tourer with wider tyres at a lower pressure but it still can't be classed as good by any stretch of the imagination.
Making up for the crappy road surface though was the scenery, with glimpses of the sea and the Farne Islands visible through gates and gaps in the hedgerows, so it wasn't long before I stopped for a photo:
(to confuse matters, the bike is facing the wrong way here...)
Back on the bike and on with the ride and I started to get the occasional sight of Bamburgh Castle, so when the opportunity arose, I stopped for another photo:
(Apologies - the contrast between the shadow the bike was in and the glorious sunshine was a bit too much for my phone)
It was only a short run to Bamburgh now, with a short climb up into the village which was as busy as I've ever seen it, before dropping down to the castle where I stopped for another pic:
Maybe I should start a "Your bike in front of a castle" thread? Or has that already been done?
Anyway, back on the bike and onto the coast road (Links Road), over the frankly hateful traffic calming measures which probably do nothing to a car but which are horrible to ride over on a bike, out of the village and along the coast past the dunes of St Aidans and into Seahouses at a good lick with a following wind.
Seahouses was as busy as it gets up here and it made a change to have to deal with vehicles (all well behaved) and myopic pedestrians wandering into the road (several dodged). Anyhow, I was soon through there and onto Kings Road for the run past the golf course and down the coast back to Beadnell.
In Beadnell I followed Harbour Road right down to the harbour to add another half mile or so on, before looping back round to our accommodation.
13.31 miles (21.42km) in a leisurely
53 mins at an average speed of
14.9mph with just
331ft climbed and a very acceptable average temperature of
This must rate as one of the flattest rides I've ever completed but it was really enjoyable to get out on a glorious summers day and put a few miles under the wheels. I only saw a handful of other cyclists and none on road bikes which I think is another first.
And now, the map:
In fact, I enjoyed the ride so much that when I got an unexpected chance to repeat it the following day, I did!
I just added a bit of a loop into North Sunderland on, for a little extra mileage and allowing a couple of different photos:
And some slightly different stats:
14.03 miles (25.58km) in
1 hour and 8 seconds 
at an average of
14.0 mph with a more substantial
413ft climbed and an even warmer average temperature of
21.3°C (although it was a bit windier)
And a slightly different map: